06-30-2014: Thanks to Michelle Barnes for sharing this post. I - TopicsExpress


06-30-2014: Thanks to Michelle Barnes for sharing this post. I wrote earlier today on this supreme court decision the following statement: 06-30-2014: The totalitarian American, Protestant, Christian, political, religious, fundamentalist, theocratic, terrorist, Taliban scored another totalitarian victory for their totalitarian anti-Jeffersonian-and-Madisonian-Establishment-Clause-of-the-First-Amendment-strict-separation-of-religion-and-state dogmas when the totalitarian, American, death penalty-loving, innocent-death-row-inmate-Troy-Anthony-Davis-murdering, bipartisan U.S. supreme court declared totalitarian American, Protestant, Christian, political, religious, fundamentalist, theocratic, terrorist Taliban capitalistic, employing-class, bosses/bourgeois could not be compelled to cover birth control - contraceptives - under the mis-named Affordable Care Act, the con and scam and fraud masquerading as affordable health care in America. The late Gore Vidal said, America is like an airplane with 2 right wings. 19th Century European revolutionary communist, Karl Marx, and 20th Century Russian revolutionary communist, Leon Trotsky, said that the only way of consistently preserving, defending, supporting, unconditional and full democratic rights, republican rights, equality for all of all religions and no religions, all of all faiths and no faiths, women and men equally, was by the transcending - going beyond - the capitalistic, private property economic and social class relationships establishing boss-employer-capitalist-private-property prerogatives over employees-workers-laborers-proletarians, by fighting for the smashing of all barriers to exercise of full democratic, republican, civil, legal, formal rights and smashing of all barriers to full equality of all sections of the people through turning the old bourgeois-democratic-republican revolutionary movements into proletarian-socialist-revolutionary movements seeking the revolutionary proletarian seizure - confiscation, expropriation - of all industries, corporations, banks, mines, mills, factories, department store chains and the proletarian disarming of the armed state - armed cops, armed prison guards, armed capitalistic-imperialistic military - by the armed, racially integrated, ethnically integrated, international working class-proletariat. Todays totalitarian supreme court decision has again confirmed that Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky were right. Karl Marx called his strategy the strategy of the revolution in permanence and Leon Trotsky called his strategy the strategy of the permanent revolution, but it means the same thing: the smashing down to smithereens all caste barriers to unconditional, full, unfettered equality of all faiths and no faiths, all beliefs and no beliefs, women with men, through smashing the capitalistic economic-social system and establishing workers-proletarian-employee governments, workers governments, with armed proletarians-workers-employees of all religions and no religions, all faiths and no faiths, men, women, gay, straight, transgender, black, brown, yellow, red, white, immigrant, native born, organized into armed workers defense guards, defending the new proletarian government, the new proletarian state, including establishing a Red proletarian Army to crush all counter-revolutionary, right-wing, totalitarian efforts to bring back the old caste barriers, caste inequalities, inequalities of women, inequalities of people not of the totalitarian American Protestant, Christian, political, religious, fundamentalist Taliban. That is what is objectively needed. What is objectively needed is a revolutionary workers party fighting to mobilize all labor, black, brown, yellow, red, white, male, female, gay, straight, transgender, immigrant, native-born, toward the smashing of the capitalistic economic and social order and, in the accomplishing of that smashing of the capitalistic order, establishing the full and unconditional equality of all, women, men, those of no faiths, those of all faiths, gay, straight, transgender, both before the law, and substantively, economically, socially. Thats the only way of smashing every kind of bigotry, discrimination, against people needing birth control, contraception, and its also the only way of establishing free and unconditional health care for all at the point of delivery, expropriation of the insurance companies, drug companies, and making health care delivery free and quality and available and accessible to all. No political support to Democrats, Republicans! Defend the separation of religion-state! Defend the separation of church-state! Defend the old First American Revolutionary principle of Jeffersonian-Madisonian religion-state separation, government neutrality in all matters having to do with faith, religion! Smash the American Taliban by proletarian socialist revolution confiscating - expropriating, seizing - the profit-making industries, banks, corporations, mines, mills, factories, department store chains, the profits of whose capitalistic profiteering American, Protestant, Christian, political, religious, fundamentalist owner capitalistic bourgeois boss class constitute the basis and source for the extreme right-wing bipartisan drift of capitalist America! For a Red Revolutionary Workers Party! For a Red Revolutionary American Workers Government! For a Socialist Federation of North America in a series of Socialist Federations of North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean! Not one shred of political support, no votes to, Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Libertarians, any capitalist parties, any capitalist politics! Labor, bring back the class war-class struggle tactics that originally successfully built unions! For workers defense guards! For labor picket lines that no scab dares cross! For a Workers America! For an Egalitarian Socialist America! For Socialist Planning! Put modern science, industry, to work and rebuild the country, smash disease, poverty, illiteracy, hunger, with socialist planning! Defend equality before the law for all of all faiths and no faiths, separation of religion and state!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 23:14:10 +0000

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