0604 TEMPLE OF THE MOST HIGH ONE (Feast of Dedication of the - TopicsExpress


0604 TEMPLE OF THE MOST HIGH ONE (Feast of Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Cycle ABC. Ref. Rdgs. 1st. From the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12. 2nd. From the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17. 3rd/Gospel. From the Holy Gospel according to John 2:13-22. Responsorial Psalm. Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9) As we commemorate the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, (built on land owned by the Laterani family on November 09, 324, the Episcopal seat of the Pope as bishop of Rome, known as the ‘’Mother of all Churches of Rome and of the world), we remind ourselves about the proper attitudes we all must adopt in the Temple of the Most High One and as believers composing the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. The Church is the community of believers where God dwells, through the Spirit. As such, verily, it is the source of strength, inspiration, knowledge, and life itself. This provides the proper disposition, in silence, respect, reverence, for each member to meet, in fact, talk in prayer to the Father. The Book of Ezekiel, in the first reading, wonderfully illustrates the Temple as the source of living waters running through all directions, giving life to fruit trees, freshness to the sea waters, and teeming continuous life source, for fish and all sea creatures. The words of St. Paul, ‘’Do you not know that you are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s Temple, God will destroy that person, for the Temple of God which you are, is holy.’’ The gospel of John tells of the cleansing by Jesus of the Temple in Jerusalem. More than just driving away the merchants and the money changers there, Jesus, who alone has cleansed us of our sins, reconciling us effectively to His Father, REMINDS US TO STAY FOCUSED AND ADMONISHES ALL TO BE CLEANSED OF OUR OWN DISTRACTIONS, OUR OWN DARKNESSES, DISTURBANCES, that prevent us from having the right disposition when praying to, praising, worshipping the Father. We are Temples of God whose Spirit dwells in us and as such, WE ARE HOLY, and truly, it is unthinkable for us to allow ourselves to be distracted with the darkness of the world. The words of the Blessed Mother are terse in her message 524,(To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons): ‘’It is a consolation and sure hope for all the Church still on pilgrimage in the desert of this world, loaded down with sufferings and wounds, as it contemplates me today; prays to me and calls upon me with fervour that my motherly presence might help it to journey with confidence toward the heavenly fatherland. ‘’But above all, it gives great joy to you, my dearly beloved children, who are living through the last times of the purification and the great tribulation. The world has become a desert for lack of love and life. Impurity is being spread everywhere through all the means of communication, and with its wicked influence, it is bringing about the corruption and the perversion of morals. Your BODY, A TEMPLE OF THE SPIRIT, is being DEGRADED AND PROFANED. SIN IS REDUCING YOU TO A NEW AND GREATER SLAVERY. ‘’YOUR HEAVENLY MOTHER TAKES YOU BY THE HAND AND LEADS YOU ALONG THE BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL, PURE AND HOLY ROAD WHICH LEADS YOU TO PARADISE.’’ Let us heed the words of the Blessed Mother, who is much concerned about us, her children, to whom she has been tasked to prepare for the 2nd coming of her Son, Jesus, in glory. Let us stop desecrating these, our bodies, the Temples of God in the Spirit. Go to Jesus who is the Head of His Mystical Body, the Church, who alone is the source of living waters, of love, of life. Let us pray: O FATHER GOD, LIVING AND MERCIFUL, GIVE US THE STRENGTH TO CLEANSE OURSELVES, YOUR TEMPLES, OF THE DIRT AND GRIME, NOISE AND CATCALLS OF THE WORLD. LEAD US, THROUGH JESUS, THROUGH MARY, WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, TO SEEK THE QUIET OF YOUR LIGHT, SO THAT IN PROCESSION, WE CAN PRAY AND PRAISE YOU FOREVER AND EVER. AMEN....mcnol.110914.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:50:39 +0000

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