0605 HOW DID YOU USE WHAT YOU HAVE? (33rd Sunday in Ordinary - TopicsExpress


0605 HOW DID YOU USE WHAT YOU HAVE? (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Cycle A. Ref. Rdgs. 1st. From the Book of Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31. 2nd. From the first letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians 5:1-6. 3rd/Gospel. From the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 25:14-30. Responsorial Psalm. Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5) Since the time of the apostles, immediately after the ascension of Jesus, at the time of the fledgling Church, the faithful has been made aware of the coming of the ‘’DAY OF THE LORD’’, the ‘’Parousia’’, the 2nd coming of Christ in glory at the end of time. With this event looming somewhere ahead, from the apostles to the faithful believers of today, the Church has considered nothing else more important than preparing each member for the accounting which our Lord Jesus, as King and Judge, would do as He meets all of humanity in a general reckoning which all would face without exception, at the end of time. Meantime, we are in this period of waiting; some commentaries call this the period of ‘’ALREADY/NOT YET’’. This is where we realize the GREAT WISDOM of our God: the very reason why He has given us talents, capabilities, interests, links with the right persons, education, social and spiritual opportunities, etc.. For these are what we need to thrive in this period of WAITING. Not only materially have we been given by the Creator, but also the abilities to help, to care for, to be concerned about and to love others, a pre-requisite to show that we love Him who is LOVE ITSELF, THE MOST HIGH ONE. Like the wife, the mother of her brood, as in the 1st reading (Prv 31:10-31), the Church is called on to manage her affairs wisely and prudently; guiding and making use of her member-parts according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit advocate sent by her Head, Jesus Christ. St. Paul explicitly spells it out to us, that we must not be caught sleeping; that we all are children of light; that we must not be caught by surprise or asleep in the darkness, for the DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT...as such, as faithful believers, we are called upon to serve THE MASTER faithfully, using whatever has been left to us for our use to thrive in this very difficult TIMES OF ANTICIPATION. As in the gospel, while the MASTER is away, we must make use of the talents, abilities, capabilities, interests, people as linkages, society, spiritual inspirations, opportunities and chances, changes and beginnings left to us by Him; to be fruitful and very productive; to be proud of our achievements while in this PERIOD OF WAITING AND ANTICIPATION, this period of ‘’ALREADY/NOT YET’’; for the MASTER, when HE COMES IN GLORY, ON HEAVENLY CLOUDS, AS KING AND JUDGE, in His ‘’PAROUSIA’’, when He asks for an accounting from each of us, we will be proud to show what accomplishments we have done for the good of His MYSTICAL BODY, THE CHURCH; deeds that will merit us the GREAT HOPE WE ALL DESIRE, TO BE CALLED THE CHILDREN OF GOD, HEIRS TO HIS KINGDOM, IN ETERNITY. The admonition of the Blessed Mother, who has been tasked by the Blessed Trinity to PREPARE us, HUMANITY AND THE WHOLE CHURCH, for the 2nd coming of her Son, Jesus, (msg. 259, ‘’LOVE ONE ANOTHER’’, To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons): ‘’Come to me, all of you, making your way along the difficult paths of your times, PRAYING TOGETHER, GIVING PRAISE TOGETHER AND LOVING ONE ANOTHER..e to me therefore, NOT IN ISOLATION, OR IN DIVISION, BUT IN PROCESSION, STRENGTHENING THOSE WHO ARE WEAK, LEADING ON THOSE WHO HAVE COME TO A STANDSTILL.’’ Oh yes, when the Master comes, let us face Him in joy and gladness as He says: ‘’COME, O BLESSED OF MY FATHER, INHERIT THE KINGDOM PREPARED FOR YOU FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me...’’ Mt 25:34-36. AND THEN WE SAY, ‘’That is what I have so much of that You have given me and that was what I gave...’’ Let us pray: O FATHER, LOVING AND MERCIFUL, ALL I ASK IS FOR YOU TO INCREASE MY HUMILITY, LOWLINESS, SIMPLICITY, NOTHINGNESS, DOCILITY; FOR WITH ALL THESE CAN I GIVE SO MUCH OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TO THE SUFFERING AND IN PAIN, TO THE NEEDY AND THE MARGINALIZED, TO ALL MY NEIGHBORS AS I LOVE MYSELF, IN JESUS CHRIST, WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, TO YOUR HIGHEST GLORY, AMEN... . mcnol.111614.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:57:35 +0000

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