07/09/14 After Action Report Brenchley Well that was another - TopicsExpress


07/09/14 After Action Report Brenchley Well that was another packed house of BB slingers in the glorious early September sunshine on Sunday. Two teams slugged it out for the day but in the end there was one team that edged the victory... First up was a starter game to get things swinging where the Marshals were the prey and both teams were after their tags. The poor guys didnt stand much of a chance this week as 60 rabid warmongers set foot in Field 2. Bangs and booms rand loud as the infidels gained ground and despite a bit of help from some indirect artillery the defence fell one-by-one. One bright spot was the first kill for a TAG round as Ollie took the deathblow from an overhead explosion. The Reds were more aggressive in their push though and ended the game with all six tags which they traded in for choccy bars back at the safezone. Next up was Countdown Cassino with the simple objective to hold the high ground for as long as possible. The Yellows put up a good fight to begin with and initially held a strong position but when the whistle went for the first melee round the Reds charged and the Yellows lost the advantage. This gave the Reds the foothold they needed and they dug in. The Yellows tried to put up a fight but each melee round saw them pushed back and the Reds dominate. At the end of the game the Yellows had 13m on the clock and the Reds 27m giving the reds the 250pts. After tea break the Reds lined up to attack in Zulu. Their first charge decimated the Yellow defence despite the artillery rounds raining down and it was only a lack or organisation that wasted time in re-grouping for the second wave that meant they didnt clean up in record time. Even with the delay, they still wiped out the defence and dropped the flag with 19.44 left on the clock of a 25m time limit! The Yellows had their work cut out in the reverse and they didnt have the same fire that carried the Reds to swift victory. Delays in re-grouping and failures to push the advantage meant that the Reds got both of their reinforcements in and held the game to the end, preventing the Yellows from achieving their goal. The Reds secured another 250pts for victory. The final game before lunch was Dirty Bomb where the teams had to make sure that the bomb was not in their field at the end of the game. The Yellows got to the bomb first and moved it into Red territory for a good start but it wasnt long before the Reds tracked it down and made a grab to take control. Unfortunately, the Yellows took too long to secure their forward regen which made holding any ground difficult and the bomb was moved into their field where it stayed until the end of the game. The points for this were -250pts for the Yellows. After lunch it was back out for Total Domination. The Reds were first up to take the 15 positions across the site. Strangely, they were subdued in their attack compared to the pre-lunch sessions and the Yellows held a good defence. It was inevitable that all six locations in field one would fall but the key would be to holding the Reds from field 2 and with that in mind the Yellows set up a strong defence of the forward regen. The Reds got so distracted with taking the field one positions that by the time they had turned their attention to field 2 they were running out of time and they were now up against the full yellow force defending the border. The Yellows held the line and made their start on the return a whole lot easier. On the Yellows pushback turn they had to remove the markers from the 6 locations the Reds had taken previously and this seemed like a simple task. However, the Yellows organisation in defending the line deserted them in attack mode as they failed to form a cohesive run at any of the locations. Instead, they spread out and kept attacking the whole line and by not placing their focus on one place at a time the Reds kept repelling them from their well dug in positions. By the end of the game the Yellows hadnt succeeded in taking any of the positions. This gave the Reds another 300pts and the Yellows 0pts. At the end of the day the Yellows suffered from a lack of organisation and team play whereas the Reds excelled in both to give the final tally of Reds on 800pts and the Yellows on -250pts. Thanks to all the guys and gals that came along and we look forward to seeing you again soon. We will be at Brenchley on Sunday 21st September for another skirmish and returning to Pembury on Saturday 27th September for some more Missions action.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:15:00 +0000

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