07-12-2013 ahi va Ten real-world corporations that look like - TopicsExpress


07-12-2013 ahi va Ten real-world corporations that look like something out of the mind of a supervillain 02 DIC 2013 Share: facebook twitter meneame Iñaki Berazaluce Company1 Already warned at the time the documentary The Corporation : Firms behave like psychopaths and , what is worse , another option to survive in this town for other psychopaths that the global economy is not frenopático left. But inside the asylum there are many levels of madness : are the crazy life , those who want to earn more money each year , and are truly morons, those who are able to pass over any community or ecosystem to achieve its sacrosanct target : kneading dough. Below are the ten most evil companies on the planet (with its Spanish token included) : Walmart_Associates_Produce 10 Wal Mart Business : Retailing Outrages : Attila the small trade, slave of his associates But what you have been broken guts to include a list of companies to evil largest employer in the U.S., with its 2.2 million workers worldwide ? Because many of these workers survive in the poverty line , with salaries of $ 8 per hour ( less than 6 euros). The president of Wal -Mart earns more in an hour than a partner (as I call Curritos ) full time in a year. In a free market worker Wal -Mart could perhaps look for work elsewhere but is not the case : the supermarket chain has wiped out the competition with American industry : 85% of products sold are imported from China. enterprise9 9 Office Cherifien des Phosphates Business: Mining Outrage : plundering the wealth of invaded territories Neither you nor hardly anyone has heard the name of this company , but you can be sure that your refrigerator is more than one fruit grown thanks to the phosphates extracted from underground Sahara . Ah , in that case is a benefactor of mankind ! Well, it could be, if not for two small details : 1. Much of the mineral selling this company comes from the Moroccan territory of Western Sahara, in particular the giant mine Bou Craa , the worlds largest. In other words, Office Cherifien is profiting from the natural wealth of the Saharawi . Two . The company belongs to the Moroccan royal family , so the immense wealth generated (Morocco is the first world exporter fostafos ) does not reverse in the Moroccan population but their monarch , Mohammed VI , the king of rock, according Forbes , the seventh richest king in the world, with a fortune of 2,500 million. empresas8 8 Nestlé Sector: Food , cosmetics and other Outrage : Hoarding water to communities of half the world The evocative logo Nestle - mama bird feeding her chicks in the nest is probably one of the most hypocritical history of corporate communication . The Swiss multinational in its own right is the most boycotted companys history, scandals such as milk powder made babies give up breast milk to the latest grabbing water resources in countries like Ethiopia , South Africa and Pakistan. Market s law : As water becomes scarce , its sale has become a huge business. Study: Nestlé appropriates every day 1.1 million liters of water a Canadian aquifer ( even during droughts ) that paid by the beautiful figure of $ 3.71 , and resells - once bottled and labeled - by $ 2 million , obtaining a dramatic margin of 53 million percent , as calculated by Hang the Bankers . enterprises.7 7 Pescanova Business: Fishing Outrages : Destruction of the environment , abuse their workers To make an omelet you have to break eggs, said Alex in A Clockwork Orange . And for Rodolfo shrimp reaches your table is that many mangroves in Nicaragua plunder , complaint Intermón NGO Oxfam in a report released last summer on labor and environmental practices of the Spanish fisheries , which owns the worlds largest fleet at least until blinded them to their own greed and sank the boat. Among the many accumulated - and accounting - not just allegations are causing irreparable environmental damage in Nicaragua mangroves for shrimp farming or in banks of Chile, with trawls . In addition , workers in the shrimp farms comply marathon days . To add insult to injury , in 2012 Pescanova received loans worth 10 million euros from the Ministry of Economy ( Cofides ) years after the complaints were filed . enterprises6 6 Academi Business: Wars Outrages : Subcontractors battles outside Surely the name Academi not tell you anything , and you may sound like Catalan academy for foreigners, but if we say Blackwater maybe your memory back to the images of a mercenary army that landed in Iraq after the invasion , and little by recently, I was replacing the U.S. military in the work of undermining and harassment of insurgents. Academi is indeed a face of Black Water , the largest mercenary company in the world: 40,000. Their website leaves no room for doubt : Training elite . Protection of trust, is that this private army makes war on their side ... the pay of the Pentagon, where they come from 90% of your income. From a conspiranoico view , would be nice if the most evil company on the planet , Monsanto, buy Academi / Blackwater to form Evil Corp , as stated there, but unfortunately is not. enterprise.4 5 Mitsubishi Business: Electronics , fishing, pastis Outrage : Freeze tuna for resale after extinction A Japs they like a loin of Cadiz nice that the shrimp pancake . Both like to have eaten almost all the tuna North Pacific are ( were ) doing the same with the Mediterranean and Atlantic bonito . The fish will disappear sometime in the next few decades , but his lust for red meat will remain a generation more . Aware of this latent demand , the Mitsubishi multinational is fishing thousands of tons of bluefin tuna in European and ultracongelándolas water at -60 ° C for resale in several years , like freshly caught , once the shortage has boosted the price of the clouds, as denounced by the documentary the End of the Line . Besides making excellent troskis , Mitsubishi owns 40 % of the catch of Mediterranean tuna sold in Japan . WWF estimates that the species may be overfished in 2048 . Hagan accounts. empresa2 4 Armajaro Holdings Business: Investment Outrage :Staying with the chocolate! In the story of Roald Dahl and Tim Burton movie , Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Willy Wonka was an eccentric hermit who controlled the production of the best chocolate in the world. With much less grace and glamor , the speculator Anthony Ward is hoarding cocoa production in the world , who knows a little secret: in 20 years chocolate will have become a luxury product . Ward , owner of investment firm Armajaro Holdings, bought in 2010 241.000 tons of cocoa , enough to make 5,300 million chocolate bars , one for each inhabitant of the planet and without diabetic ladies regime. The reason? Within a couple of decades, chocolate bars Kit- kat, Mars or endearing Bones today can buy for 1 euro cost 10 euros (or be composed of fatty substitutes ) , according to the BBC Panorama documentary about the production problems African cocoa . audit3 3 Correction Corporation of America Business: Prison Outrage : Get customers to fill their jails Imagine for a moment the Government privatized Corrections , which renamed Teal SA and starts trading on the stock exchange . Unthinkable, is not it? For a while in the U.S. happens. The national champion industry there, the Hilton of prisons , to understand - called Corrections Corporation of America (CCA ) , traded and your business is obviously not the rehabilitation of inmates but its recurrence , which may explain that United States is the country with the largest prison population in the world. If the very existence of a company that thrives on deprivation of liberty of persons is a scandal , they are even more methods of operation of CCA. According to a report from the group In The Public Interest , the company requires states to a contract that guarantees a 90 % occupancy of the cells , so that if the crime rate is reduced, the government should pay compensation . What does a governor with water budgets neck? Well get the police to find more black offenders . As the famous saying police says , no one is innocent, but under- researched . empresa5 2 Rio Tinto Business: Mining Outrage : Slave Labor , turf wars Who would have thought that a humble ferrous Huelva river was going to give name to one of the most evil villains in the corporate world . Well, yes : Rio Tinto was founded in the late nineteenth by a British group to exploit the copper mines in Andalusia and later expanded to infinity and beyond ... specifically, to Papua New Guinea. The record of abuses against the environment and human rights of Rio Tinto is documented in half the world (Philippines , Namibia , Madagascar and Australia , among other territories ), but reached its height in Papua New Guinea, where a subsidiary of the company, Bougainville Copper , blockaded the island in 1990 in retaliation to a secessionist movement that threatened their business. During the blockade, which lasted seven years, the Red Cross estimates that 10,000 people died from lack of medical care. The principal objective of the company was starve the bastards . empresa0 1 Monsanto Business: Food Outrage : Prohibit farmers who replant seeds If a writer trying to capture abject evil in a company , you probably lacked imagination to reach the levels of perversion of Monsanto, the supervillain who has no qualms in acknowledging that wants to control the world food supply . Its only business . Recently, Monsanto has been named the most evil company in the world (ahead of McDonalds and the Federal Reserve ) , but it takes decades to accumulate merits: during the Vietnam War provided the U.S. Army a refined formula of Agent Orange , much more lethal with the damn lemons than its competitors. Then came DDT, aspartame and growth hormone cows , all with serious consequences for the health of consumers . Its most profitable line is the herbicide Roundup , which , according to denounce environmentalists, is in food and can cause a wide range of consumer illness : diabetes , cancer , Parkinsons or depression through . And better not talk about GM because we accuse of regressive and magufos ... In collaboration with Oxfam and information Econmatters , Salon , The Country , Forbes, Hang the Bankers , Public, Independent, Yorokobu , The Punch and Corp Research. 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Posted on: Sat, 07 Dec 2013 20:02:12 +0000

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