07•23•14 2:20pm Update on Will❤️ Will had a good - TopicsExpress


07•23•14 2:20pm Update on Will❤️ Will had a good night. There are some kidney issues that I dont really understand, but they said thats normal after so much stress on the body. His ins/outs are still really good. Dr. Fiore wants him to have Lasix (diuretic), but the ICU and cardio team are hesitant because its so hard on the kidneys and hes peeing just fine on his own. He keeps losing potassium and calcium, which is also pretty normal. INR last night was 1.8 (blood thickness). So they kicked his heparin up a little bit (blood thinner). Plan is still to close the sternum tomorrow at 9am. Probably take 2-3 hours. Will was very alert until the last hour. He is pissed and he wants the vent out of his mouth/throat. Theyre trying to sedate him a little bit more so that hes not so uncomfortable and upset. Hes been communicating with us - Answered yes to the question, Do you hurt? Said I love you a few times. Said he wanted a drink. I want this out. I want out of here. :( Hes also squeezing my hand with a lot of strength, opening his eyes, and tearing. Hes just frustrated. And rightly so! I wouldnt want all that crap down my throat either, but its for the best and we keep reassuring him that hes doing so great, that hes brave and tough, and were so proud of him. Besides being intubated (being on a ventilator), he also has an NG tube and an ND tube. NG goes into his stomach and is used to suction stomach bile and leftover yucky stuff from surgery like old blood. ND tube goes into the duodenum (intestine). So it bypasses the stomach so that he doesnt throw up anything they put into it. Hes also getting Pepcid intravenously. Hes calmed down quite a bit. I would be mad too if someone was trying to suction me, which makes me cough, and my sternums not closed yet. Hes not really in a lot of pain - more of a discomfort. When he rests, he rests well. He is breathing over the vent, so thats good. Hes still getting TPN (IV nutrition). It has all the good stuff in it that he needs, such as amino acids, electrolytes, and sugar. He gets his teeth and mouth swabbed every hour or as needed. His teeth are cleaner now than ever! Its one of those things that 12 year old boys just really dont care about at home. ;) We checked into the Ronald McDonald House on Park Avenue last night. I went over there just a little while ago. It was nice to take a breather, have our own shower, and I even enjoyed making the bed! :) This way, Bailey or other family can stay just a block away. Please continue to pray for Will and include me and Pete if you would. Im pretty sleep-deprived and I cry more often than Id like. Little things set me off. I know its lack of sleep and stress. My hair is even falling out more than the usual shedding that women with long hair encounter. Its definitely a roller-coaster ride, but were fortunate enough to have caring and kind nurses along with outstanding doctors. One more thing I forgot to mention the other day: a very special woman came to visit the day of Wills 6th surgery. Her name is Tina Kult and our boys shared a room in PICU when Will was about a month old. I know that Wills got angels surrounding him and Im pretty sure that ^Spencer^ is one of them. Thanks for the support Tina and all the goodies you brought along for us. Well always have a special heart mom bond. 😘
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:59:15 +0000

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