07-26-2014: I was personally happy to read this article. I was - TopicsExpress


07-26-2014: I was personally happy to read this article. I was personally unhappy that the only place Ive so far seen it was on Russia Times. Ive not seen it in American media at all. Im sharing it, because I think its warranted and merited. I do notice that factions of the Jewish people represented in the article seem to be factions from certain Jewish anti-Zionists or Jewish non-Zionists. That, at least, is offhand my impression. It should here be said informationally that most of the pre-1938 German Jews, and most of the pre-World War II European Jews, were not Zionists in their political ideologies. A combination of facts - Hitlers effort to wipe out all Jews in Europe and Russia being one, plus the fact that most of the Christian-ruled capitalistic countries of the 1930s and 1940s like England, America, and others, refused to provide political asylum to justifiably frightened European and Russian Jews seeking to escape Hitlers mass murder machine, plus the fact the only faction of Jews given any semblance of British imperialist power-conferred authority for allegedly representing Jews per se were Zionists favoring settlement of Jews escaping Hitlers murder machine in Palestine, on the backs of the Palestinian Arab nation, into a Jewish theocracy, i.e., a Zionist theocratic state - led to the forging of this Zionistic Jewish theocratic state in Palestine on the backs of the Palestinian Arab nation. However, also interestingly, even after the horrific experience of the Nazi Holocaust of 6 million Jews at the hands of Hitlers murder machine (which also mass murdered millions of other human beings as well), significant numbers of Jews, even some who had themselves personally been in Hitlers Nazi death camps and survived, remained non-Zionist or anti-Zionist in politics, and quite a number did not favor the formation of the Zionist theocratic state of Israel. Even those courageous and brave Jewish left-wing Warsaw Ghetto Polish Communist-inspired and Socialist-inspired armed anti-Nazi 1943 rebels, including those from the Warsaw Ghetto who survived the Nazi era, were often anti-Zionist or non-Zionist in their politics. They were often, instead, integrationist, assimilationist, egalitarian, and internationalist, which was the political views that often went hand in hand with both earlier forms of Marxist Communism and Marxist Socialism - integrationism, assimilationism, egalitarianism, and internationalism. The forms of assimilationism, also, were not forced assimiliationism from the outside, but voluntarist assimilationism. Integrationism, assimilationism, egalitarianism, and internationalism, were all basically anti-Zionist, and non-Zionist perspectives among the most secularized parts of the Jewish populations of both Europe and Russia. Zionism had historically represented a very small number of Jewish people. People sometimes combine into nations from outside external threats to their simple ability to physically survive or live. Zionism was a kind of nationalism. And it got significant impetus from the literal physical threat to life of Hitlers regime against millions of Jews. The tragedy of Palestine - 2 peoples fighting over the same piece of real estate - arose out of that, and as the threat to the literal physical existences of the Jewish people led to a greater authority among millions of Jews of the nationalistic ideology of Zionism, so the literal threat to both the physical existences and civil and economic existences of Palestinian Arab peoples in Palestine from legions of outside people coming into Palestine from the outside and basically seizing wholesale Palestinian Arab peoples lands, homes, and in many cases, destroying their lives, in turn led to the rise of forms of Palestinian Arab nationalism as a response. With the later decay of such secular nationalisms, there came a rebirth among some Palestinian Arabs of some retrograde and retrogressive forms of political religious fundamentalisms of a Muslim sort, a kind of ideology of despair. But again, this was not foreordained, because there was an earlier history in Palestine of combinations of Arab and Jewish workers employed in similar enterprises forging labor unions and labor strikes together in common class struggle against capitalistic employers together, and also forging left-wing, secular-minded, working class parties inspired by left-wing, secular-minded, Communist or Socialist programs and perspectives together on egalitarian, integrationist, assimilationist, and Marxist-internationalist or semi-Marxist-internationalist kinds of bases. Today, Trotskyists, the only real and genuine modern communists, seek to reawaken that spirit among both Arab and Jewish workers. In the mean-time, however, I support the Gaza Strip Palestinian Arabs irreconcilable democratic and human right to self-defense, up through and including the right of armed self-defense, against the armed forces of the Zionist Israeli government butchers. I do not support indiscriminate launching of rockets into civilian-populated areas of Israel, or, obviously, Zionist butchery of Gaza, because I dont think indiscriminate militarism ever leads to anything but indiscriminate mass murder of civilian innocents. But I support Gaza Strip Palestinian Arabs armed self-defense, exercises of armed self-defense, including their efforts to kill Israeli soldiers, who by being in the Israeli military have made themselves military targets (If you join an official governmentally sponsored armed force, whether through voluntarily doing so, or by conscription, you thereby become a legitimate military target in any military war, so the tears of Israelis shed over dead Israeli soldiers, while undoubtedly real in the cases of those lost who were known and loved by others, do not, in my view, rise to the level of a rationalization or excuse for putting on any kind of equal basis the tears for now upwards of well over a thousand civilian innocents lost in Gaza Strip.). I favor in principle the military victory of the Gaza Strip Palestinian Arabs and the military defeat of the Iraeli government and its troops. The main reason U.S. imperialism is currently sponsoring attempts at peace deals has nothing to do with favoring an end to the bloodletting, but everything to do with the fear on the part of bipartisan Demopublican-Republicrat Washington-D.C. U.S. imperialism lest its main military ally in the Middle East, Israel, suffer a serious military defeat at the hands of Gaza Strip Palestinians. Armed invasions into densely populated civilian urban centers, which is what is now going on in Palestine at the hands of the Israeli government butchers, is historically notoriously militarily risky even for gangster states that historically see themselves as arrogantly impervious to being defeated. Hitlers gangster state suffered one of its most grievous military defeats in 1942-1943 at Stalingrad at the hands of Soviet Red Army armed forces, and this was one of the main military events of World War II which opened the road to the smashing of Hitlers gangster Nazi state by the heroic and brave Soviet Red Army armed forces and Soviet peoples. Stalingrad long was remembered as a severe urban trap into which the German Sixth Army armed forces, the main force, led from afar by Nazi gangster and thug, Hitler, who kept thinking his army was incapable of being defeated at the hands of the Soviet Red Army, were sent to their deaths and ultimate destruction in 1943. So it is not at all foreclosed that the Israeli governments Zionist kill-crazy racist butchers might themselves suffer a serious military defeat or, at least, stalemate, if they keep up their current intervention into the urban area of Gaza Strip. And anybody who favors the defeat not only of this racist Zionist state of Israel, but also favors a major blow being inflicted on the main source of terrorism, violence, bullying, mass murder, in todays world, the Washington-D.C. bipartisan Demopublican-Republicrat imperialist butchers, can only wish for a military defeat of the Israeli government in Gaza Strip. FOR THE MILITARY DEFEAT OF ZIONIST ISRAEL IN GAZA STRIP! MAKE GAZA STRIP A CEMETERY FOR THE ISRAELI ARMED FORCES! As World War One era revolutionary internationalist communist, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, pointed out, military defeats of armed aggressors in expansionist wars by said armed aggressors can often be the mothers of social revolution, and, in fact, this led in World War I to Russia itself turning into a powder keg and tinderbox on the basis of which the two Russian Revolutions of 1917 occurred. It would be the devout hope of every internationalist-minded revolutionary on earth for this to begin to occur both in Palestine and in Israel. Were the Zionist government to suffer a military defeat, that might begin by its severe shocking impact to start to lead to a break of some sections of the Hebrew population from adherence to Zionism, and that, in turn, potentially could lead to the basis for what might later turn into the development of a joint authentic and real internationalist, egalitarian, assimilationist, integrationist revolutionary communist-minded workers party among Jewish and Arab workers in Palestine devoted to the smashing not only of the Zionist state, but of every right-wing reactionary regime in the Middle East down the line. That would be the serious hope of any revolutionary, at least. I do not know, however, if this would become the case. But let us hope it does.: 07-26-2014: From RT (Russia Times): Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies: Social media campaign goes viral (PHOTOS): rt/news/175792-jews-arabs-refuse-enemies/
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:26:07 +0000

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