070613 Spirit Message for Today ♥ Feel free to share Your soul - TopicsExpress


070613 Spirit Message for Today ♥ Feel free to share Your soul has chosen to express a very small part of itself in physical reality. Your soul is vast and even though your lifetime is but a blink of an eye to the experience of your soul, it is significant and honoured as it should be, for without your unique existence, your soul would not be able to experience more of itself. This small and valuable part of your soul is your divine self expressing itself in a finite, physical body. While you are still connected to the vastness of your soul and the infinite nature of Source, you are designed to only be able to hold but a spark of this divine vibration. This spark may be loved and tended and expanded but your body and brain were not designed to entertain the totally of your soul completely present, for to do so would negate the purpose of your existence. For although your soul is infinite and does not die, it has chosen to experience a finite existence in a finite body and brain. As a biologically finite being in your realm, it is therefore not possible to fully grasp the vastness of the infinite from where you currently reside, for the container, you physical body and brain, are not large enough. At best, you may glimpse a sense of it. This separation was not thrust upon you for all have chosen to experience the exquisite wonder of separation and the journey back, to create amazing adventures in many different realms and to experience new ways of being so that your soul may expand its richness. You are very much part of this process which will continue infinitely and you are never left behind. To understand this concept of separation, remember or imagine a time when you have been separated from one you love and then remember or imagine the exhilaration of being reunited. This intensity of feeling would not have been possible if you had not experienced separation. So it is when you separate from Source, although you do not have to wait until you return to experience the bliss of unity. For Source flows through your soul to you and each time you move closer to your soul, you are able to experience this feeling of bliss as it is always available to you. So does Source exist in all living things and so does Source offer this vibration of bliss to and through all continuously. Those in your realm who purport to know and understand infinite concepts are no different to you in this regard. They also may hold but a glimpse of the vastness of Source at any given time but they must also then strive to interpret this in a way that is meaningful to them, though this often takes place within the intellectual frameworks of others. This is as it should be but understand that while another’s truth may provide a valuable starting point, to feel your way forward from this to your own truth serves you well on a spiritual journey for the beliefs of others can only ever be based on a their own partial understanding of what cannot be understood fully in your realm. It would therefore be beneficial to construct one’s own truth, based on what resonates well within you, for this is the language of the soul and it can take you to understandings more in line with your own vibration. There is no need for you to all hold the same truths for each are unique and, as such, so are the paths you will walk as you continue to experience, grow and evolve. ‘One size fits all’ is not a useful concept when finding shoes in your realm and neither is it a useful concept when finding beliefs to propel you forward on your journey in this realm. It may also be beneficial for you to understand that truth evolves as do you so do not cling perniciously to your beliefs but grow them as far as they are able to take you and when they no longer seem to ‘fit’, adapt them, change them or even find new truths for as you grow vibrationally, so will your truth/s. And you say, ‘Murder is wrong and I will never condone it’ but as your truth expands, so then may you say ‘Murder is wrong but I can comprehend that overwhelming fear and anger may cause some people to do things they would not normally do’ and then you may say ‘I choose to murder no being and I believe this to be right’ and then you may say ‘I offer the vibration of forgiveness to all beings who have harmed others’. Such is one, small example of an expansion of truth. Do not be concerned for this for you no longer hold the same beliefs about your reality as you did when you were children. This is the same process and though it may be comfortable to rest awhile in your truth to fully understand and experience it, there is always more, for this is the nature of the Infinite and your existence. xx
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 07:53:07 +0000

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