071 PIECES OF ME BY ROSETTE MIRANDA FERNANDO CHRISTMAS 2014 at the Lion City of Singapore. We went to the Church of the Sacred Heart near Mandarin Hotel for the CHRISTMAS Mass. I was not at all surprised because the church was overflowing. What came as a surprise to me was that FILIPINOS almost equal the Chinese and other CHRISTIAN nationalities. It was full packed and i was seated by myself. It was a simply elegant Church and decorated beautifully and for a while as i was mesmerized with everything: the extra ordinary beauty of the Church built in 1910 by the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, the decent, respectable, dignified and the very friendly parishioners. The mass was very solemn and adding to the solemnity was the way the officiating priest delivered the homily and the choirs performance was superb. For the life of me as soon as the Priest started the homily i started crying buckets of tears and i knew then that something special is happening to me . A miracle is an event which cant be explained by natural or scientific laws. For it was God who made us in His image and likeness. Human beings like me has the ability to choose and live my life according to His will and just continue to live the truth. For the truth will set me free and will lead me to eternal salvation. Throughout the mass i knew that the good wife of the Chinese gentleman was God only in form of the Chinese woman. Its a feeling thats so hard to describe. I felt like I was floating In an all white clouds. AND I KNEW THEN, THAT AS I WAS GETTING OUT OF THE DOOR OF THE CHURCH AS I WALKED TO THE TAXI STAND ITS A DIFFERENT ROSETTE WITH A MORE PROFOUND SENSE OF HUMILITY, GOODNESS, KINDNESS, HAPPINESS AND A DEEPER SENSE OF UNDERSTANDING THAT EACH PERSON MAY LOOK AT THE SAME EXACT PAINTING AT THE SAME TIME BUT THEY MAY HAVE A TOTALLY DIFFERENT APPRECIATION AND INTERPRETATION OF A PIECE OF ART. WE HAD LUNCH AFTER AND NEVER BEEN HAPPIER IN MY LIFE. IT MADE ME REALIZED THAT TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS NOT GOOD.AND I MADE A PROMISE TO GOD THAT I AM GIVING UP SOMETHING I LOVE SO MUCH AS MY SHARE IN GIVING UP HIS LIFE FOR THE SALVATION OF MANKIND. I AM NOT SELF RIGHTEOUS AND I AM NOT ABOUT TO JUDGE PEOPLE. I HAVE MY OWN CHARACTER FLAWS. I BELIEVE THAT GOD IS TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING TO BECOME A BETTER PERSON .FIRST THING I DID IS TO TALK TO MY HUSBAND AND MY CHILDREN. I HAVE SO MUCH TO MAKE UP TO THEM. I ONLY WANT TO LIVE A SIMPLE AND PEACEFUL LIFE. THEN I WANT MY SIBLINGS TO LET THEM KNOW THAT WE ALL HAVE OUR SHARE TO DO TO KEEP THE FAMILY TOGETHER. NEXT I WILL TALK TO MY FIRST COUSINS SINCE THERE ARE ONLY TWELVE OF US AND I WANT OUR CHILDREN TO GET TO KNOW EVERYBODY. ITS NOT ONLY OUR FAMILIES THAT WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT. YOU HAVE PEOPLE COME INTO YOUR LIFE SHOCKINGLY AND SURPRISINGLY. YOU HAVE LOSSES THAT YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOUD EXPERIENCE. YOU HAVE REJECTION AND YOU HAVE LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH THAT AND HOW TO GET UP THE NEXT DAY AND GO ON THINKING THAT YOU TRIED YOUR BEST TO GIVE EVERYBODY THE RESPECT THAT THEY DESERVE. BEING HONEST NO MATTER WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES ARE, HAVING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL OF YOUR ACTIONS, HAVING COMPASSION AND UNDERSTANDING, THE COURAGE TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT IN TOUGH SITUATIONS, LOYALTY TO YOUR FRIENDS AND AND LOVED ONES. THESE ARE GOOD TRAITS TO HELP YOU GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE. New Years Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in a totally different condition and nature year of delight and self-discovery. Today create something special, a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change. THIS PIECE IS DEDICATED TO MY FIVE VERY EXCEPTIONAL, OUTSTANDING AND AMAZING TRUE AND LOYAL FRIENDS WHO HAS BEEN WORKING WITH ME FOR A NOBLE CAUSE TO HELP THOSE WHO ARE VICTIMS OF OPPRESSION, HARASSMENT, INADEQUATE DELIVERY OF BASIC SERVICES AND CORRUPTION. FOR THE TIME, DETERMINATION, PERSEVERANCE AND THE GOODNESS OF MY FRIENDS ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK YOU IS THE BEST PRAYER THAT ANYONE COULD SAY. I SAY THAT ONE A LOT. THANK YOU EXPRESSES EXTREME GRATITUDE, HUMILITY AND UNDERSTANDING.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:15:10 +0000

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