080914 Professionals rulan I was explaining the concept of - TopicsExpress


080914 Professionals rulan I was explaining the concept of breakfast sandwiches to Lady Kathy when my daughter Elen burst through the door from outside where she and Lady Charlotte had taken the last watch of the night. Elen’s eyes were wide with excitement. “Someone comes.” She hissed. In one swift second, Lady Rebecca was awake and enroute to the door, bow in hand. She almost reached it when Lady Charlotte burst in, “Rainbow says not stranger…but we need to find him before he finds us.” Uh-oh. I had an idea who it was but in case I was wrong I wanted to let the professionals handle it. And they did. Lady Rebecca reached for the door and spoke over her shoulder. “My Lord, Norlag, you remain here to guard the ladies with your people. Charlotte, Fendrel…you are with me.” She ducked out the door with her people close behind. Norlag headed toward the door with a frown and I paused him with my hand on his arm. “Are those not the same orders you received from our sister and bruddar? Besides, we are in the realm she will someday sit as Thorin’s queen.” I had thrilled to the note of command in the future queen’s voice. My funny bruddar grinned at me and protested that he was only going to shut the door and went back to his comrades. I watched him pause beside Lord Arcon…that worthy gentle Elf’s nod was all but non-existent. His countenance assumed a totally blank expression. Very clever…I would bet money he was tracking the three trackers…and possibly the owl and fox. Me brudder moved on to his favorite pastime of teasing the women and girls in his group. I shook my head and suggested to Kathy we get on with fixing breakfast sandwiches…if I was right we would need an extra one. “Let’s see…three or possibly four people outside,” I counted to myself, “The two males inside…me son, Galo…two warrior girls, Milasont…SARISHA!” I got to my feel and looked around. No Sarisha. I had forgotten her talent of fading from sight but my dear brother certainly had not. I glared at me brudda who looked at me with eyes widened in mock innocence. I went back to me work…more to hide me grin than anything. Lady Kathy and I had set the last breakfast sandwich on the hearth pan, when Lord Arcon stood up looking at the door…Norlag, too, was on his feet and , funnily enough, Sarisha beside him. The door opened. Enter the trackers…with a young Lyon. My heart leapt with joy and I ran forward to throw me arms around the young prince’s neck. Behind me I heard Kathy gasp his name. “Fili…” Fili held me at arm’s length grinning broadly. “I knew that was Mariah…and if it was, it had to be you too; But I dinna guess…and I should have…all the rest of you…” His eyes traveled around the room in wonder, and lingered on Rebecca whose rebellious chin went up in challenge. Wisely, the challenge was not accepted as he turned back to me. “Lady Rulan, I cannot keep this to myself…” He accepted a steaming breakfast sandwich with thanks from me son, Galo who gazed worshipfully at the young prince. “You must, Fili. You know we are nae danger to yon company and all here are loyal subjects of our king.” I gasped. Fili’s eyebrows went up and he looked pointedly at Norlag and his people. I gestured impatiently, “Oh Aye…Norlag too…and also to Queen Gail and Prince Haldor who, in point of fact, swore to ye uncle before they became reigning rulers of their own lands. Nae one here is an enemy or a danger ta neither Thorin Oakenshield nor his company.” “Then why cannot I tell my kin? Your love? Fili was perplexed, and then a light dawned over his face. “Ah…he would come for you.” “Yes, he will come. And he must not…Don’t ye see Laddie? If he came for me and I let him take me back, he may not make it back ta ye and if I dig in me heels ain refuse to go back, he would still feel he mun stay with me….travel with us…he would nae ever forgive me or himself for desertion of his king. I canna live with his despite o’ me; I just canna.” Tears ran unashamedly down me face as I begged just as unashamedly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw me brudda put down his breakfast and casually…too causally…move to a spot in front of the door. The rest of his people began to shift around to other spots except me daughter who was oblivious to the regrouping until Tegan nudged her to move back against the wall. At the same time, Rainbow whined. Shock filled Lady Charlottes face as color drained from it. She whispered frantically to Lady Rebecca. Anguish filled the Bowwoman’s face and her knuckles turned white around her bow. Without moving his head, Fili’s eyes scanned the room and the slightest shift in his stance spoke volumes of preparedness. “NO!” I screamed…not certain at all to whom I cried. I fell to my knees in front of my prince. “Fili, please! What can I say to move you…to convince you?” Fili and Lady Kathy both rushed to lift me from my knees. The young prince’s eyes were wet also. In truth the boy loved me as I loved him but he was his uncle’s own. “Lady Rulan…cannot keep this from my uncle…and he would not forgive me for letting you pass into danger…any of you. He must know and if he knows the others will too.” The sun came out in my heart. I felt my mouth stretching into a smile. “Oh my prince…Our king knows we are here…and he even said he could not hinder me.” Well, mayhap not ALL of us but I saw no reason to bring that part up. Fili looked at me with a skeptic look so I went on. “We saw his tracks when he left the company to travel north…to meet with kinfolk and persuade them to join this quest.” I added the last sentence just to see the belief light up his handsome face. “I joined with Mariah and followed him. He recognized us as did you.” A small smile flickered on Fili’s face. He cupped me head in his hands and pulled me face down to plant a kiss on me brow…then picked up my breakfast sandwich which no longer steamed. “Even cold this is good.” Still chewing he moved toward the door. Norlag moved aside and Fili turned back to me. “We are camped about ten klicks out of a village called Hobbiton. Gandalf has gone down there to search out another member for our party. He will come back in three days to take us there. That is where Uncle will join us. You have that long to get past us…ahead of us…so Thorin will not send ye back if we catch to you.” His eyes moved to Lady Kathy and then to the Bowwoman. “Should any of you want to join the company, it will be a kindness to your friends if you don’t come into Hobbiton before Thorin is there.” He strode unhindered from the inn. We stood in silence for a moment, and then I said. “Any of ye that are coming with me, start packing.” I glances around the shabby room and shook me head. “I’m sick of this place.”
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:37:13 +0000

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