1:03pm. Hi Donna, Dont know if you can use this or have - TopicsExpress


1:03pm. Hi Donna, Dont know if you can use this or have already seen it. Many months ago Rabia posted some of my fanfictions. Sorry to impose if youd already seen them. In case you hadnt, heres the first part of the five part story it kicks off. The Cloister Bell tolls: [A prequel to ‘Temporal Fission’] The Doctor was delighted. Now in his eleventh incarnation, he couldn’t be happier as he virtually danced around the console of the TARDIS.. The console repairs has been most satisfactory. Amy and Rory had gone to bed. And now he could change into white tie and have a night out with River Song.. What could be better ?. He’d booked a table at Maxim’s in Paris 1955 and was looking forward to a night of dancing with his River. River was already aboard the TARDIS and over in wardrobe selecting something appropriate for the evening. “What have you got for me this time Mrs. Robinson” thought the Doctor and enjoyed a brief laugh at his own bon mot. Just then his delight came to an abrupt halt as the cloister bell tolled. The Doctor froze with dread. The cloister bell, low and resonant. Distant and yet present in the console room. And somehow ominous. The cloister bell was nothing to ignore. It almost always signaled imminent disaster, a danger to the TARDIS or perhaps to the universe itself. Rory Williams turned over in his sleep and heard the doleful tolling of the bell. “What the...” he said to himself. Rory rolled out of bed and threw on a bathrobe, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. “Better go have a look” he considered as he noted Amy stirring in her sleep.. River Song was in wardrobe, considering what would be best to enhance the evening with the Doctor. Some too formal. Some a bit tacky. River looked seriously at one that was very sheer and showed a lot of skin in all the right places. “No” she thought “Looks like an invitation to dalliance”. “Better to look my best and entice my love with our favorite pastime, flirting”. River so enjoyed the flirt as she was sure the Doctor did too. They had a chemistry. It was magic when the flirting began and they needed no script. It just happened and they danced to the steps of it. But then...the ominous tolling. “No!” thought River. “Not the Cloister bell!” Immediately, River dropped in a heap on the floor a fabulous gown. She sprinted out of wardrobe for the console room. Amy Pond stirred. “What’s all this about ?” As she saw Rory step out in his robe. Amy stirred slowly and peaked out into the hallway. Still half asleep, she considered just going back to bed. “Oh I’ll wait for him to come back and see what all the fuss was”. After a few minutes she glimpsed a frantic River Song running for the control room. Amy only had time to ask “River ?”. But River kept running and called back to Amy “Hurry !” In the console room, the Doctor realized that the cloister bell was tolling for one of those rare times when a very distant signal was trying to reach him. He turned to the console and considered the communications bank. A screen came alive with the calligraphy of Gallifrey. The Doctor read it and responded in alarm. But more message came in and as he read, he knew that no harm would come. And perhaps some good in a time he couldn’t reach. Rory stumbled half asleep into the console room hearing the clositer bell. “Doctor?” he inquired. The Doctor turned to him and blurted out quickly, “Rory, go outside and answer the bell !” Without thinking Rory walked out the door and suddenly realized nothing was going on in the corridor “Doctor” he began but cut himself off when he realized the Doctor had used his sonic and locked him out of the console room. He shook his head and remarked, “Might as well grab a cupper while this gets sorted out” The bell had stopped. Meanwhile, a requested docking was taking place with the TARDIS.. The Doctor agreed as he was satisfied that it would be safe according to the parameters of the event. The man from the other ship walked into the TARDIS as the Doctor caught his breath. Both relaxed as they said hello and shook hands. Amy couldn’t understand why River was so frantic. But River just kept repeating, “It’s the closister bell, imminent disaster ! “ That was enough for Amy as she followed along in River’s wake to the console room. River tried the door to the console room and found it locked. She didn’t hesitate to whip out her blaster and shoot the lock. The door flew open and presented her with a scene she’d never imagined. There stood the Doctor considering the console with a man she’d never seen before. A man almost as tall as the Doctor but somewhat more heavily built. Perhaps 40 pounds heavier than the Doctor. A man looking about 30 years older but reasonably fit and with a touch of grey in his hair. He was dressed very formally with a dark suit, waist coat with chain and the largest collar she’d ever seen on a shirt, almost swallowing his tie knot. . The man looked at her with a somber yet sad expression. River found herself uneasy but then recovered as she whipped out her blaster again to cover this strange man. But as quickly as she drew her blaster, the new man snapped up his seemingly empty hand and produced a small device. Immediately, River’s blaster crumbled into dust. The Doctor did not seem taken aback by this. Instead he radiated an almost childlike delight. “Oh that’s lovely ! An ionic bonder hidden up your sleeve ! “. The other man though more subdued was pleased also. “Yes, Nyssa left one on board and it came in handy after I adapted it. I have a spring loaded holder up my sleeve “ ”Ha ! A regular Jim West “ replied Eleven. River looked from one to the other and a revelation dawned on her. “It’s You !” This was another version of the Doctor ! How did this happen ? The recall circuit ? This other Doctor regarded her and was instantly contrite. “I’m sorry River about your blaster. But I couldn’t allow anything to endanger this moment even by accident. What’s being done here is of a certain...ah...delicacy”. To which their Doctor smiled and remarked, “Oh I like that, well put”. And the new Doctor nodded his assent and added “Quite so”. Eleven added to molify River, “We’ll stop off after all this and replace your blaster”. River found herself getting impatient at this side jaunt, “Never mind that, what are you doing here ? You shouldn’t be here. And don’t you dare give me ‘Spoilers’!”. Just then Rory walked in with a cup of tea and munching a biscuit, “Who’s the stuffed shirt ?”; This drew a rather indignant look from the new Doctor and a mutter of “humans !”. Amy gave him a pleading look to be quiet. And Eleven stepped in rather hastily, “Ah, don’t please. Sometimes I can get a bit tetchy”. At this River sighed and remarked, “You’re such an impossible man”. And both Doctor’s replied simultaneously, “Yes” “Wait” said Amy, “You called her River. How can you know she’s River if you’re a past version of him ?” Both Doctors exchanged a quick glance. The new Doctor simply told her, “Because I have his memories, I am his possible future”. River though sensed something else here. “What do you mean, possible ?” The new Doctor replied, “This is a temporal fission event. There are some risks involved and it could very well fall out that if anything goes wrong, I’ll cease to exist. But not to worry. If I’m gone another Doctor will replace your’s if and when he regenerates.”. But Rory had to add, “If and when ?” Eleven fielded this one, “This isn’t a fixed point in time Rory. This is a fluid future and nothing is certain. I’m to presume that a paradox will be averted by our forgetting your visit?” looking at his other self. “Quite, the fabric of time will compensate by erasing my face, voice and words from your memory. You’ll know that a Doctor visited when I leave. But you’ll assume a past regeneration and think everything’s quite in order”said the other Doctor.. Eleven regarded his other self and said, “I’m sorry old fellow for the risk. Hope it works out for you”. “Well” said the new Doctor “If I fail there’ll be one consolation”. “What’s that ?” asked Eleven. “I get to see our Sarah Jane one last time” said the other Doctor. They both shared a small wan smile at that. Still, Amy had to ask, “Mary Jane who ?”. So Eleven told her, “Sarah Jane Smith, my old friend. I saw her and Jo Grant on Earth when you two were honeymooning.”. River nodded to herself and turned to Amy, “Sarah Jane traveled with the Doctor back some time ago. One of the very few who actually witnessed a regeneration. After she was dropped home by the Doctor she continued his work on Earth. Protecting it from alien menaces that got by UNIT and Torchwood. Saving the world from an attic in Ealing.”. “How cool is that ?” added Rory. It was then that Amy noticed the TARDIS door open. Open and leading into another TARDIS ! “C’mon now Doctor. You’ve got to let us have a look !” The other Doctor smiled with pride in his TARIDS and said “Most certainly, come along Pond. Come along one and all !” As they stepped in they were amazed. It was a much larger console room, larger and very posh. The console itself was gleaming and appointed with multi-bank keyboards. There was a lounge area with Divans and chairs. And beyond that a grand piano. Rory strolled over and started playing ‘Chopsticks’. The other Doctor looked annoyed for a second and then strode over past Rory to sit on the bench. “Think I should play something better suited to a first edition Steinway” he said. Then he looked up and glanced at both Eleven and River. Amy notice an almost mischievous look in his eye. It was like seeing her Doctor with another face ! “ Something appropriate for tonight I think”. Then his fingers danced over the keyboard in a virtuoso rendition of Franz Liszt’s ‘Liebestraum’, Song of Love. It was magic and they all soaked in the beauty of this immortal music. Music that would echo down the ages for millenia. When the other Doctor finished his performance he escorted them to the door and they said their goodbyes. Though he couldn’t resist a small wink at River. At which she broke out in a radiant smile. 1:03pm. Hi Donna, Dont know if you can use this or have already seen it. Many months ago Rabia posted some of my fanfictions. Sorry to impose if youd already seen them. In case you hadnt, heres the first part of the five part story it kicks off. The Cloister Bell tolls: [A prequel to ‘Temporal Fission’] The Doctor was delighted. Now in his eleventh incarnation, he couldn’t be happier as he virtually danced around the console of the TARDIS.. The console repairs has been most satisfactory. Amy and Rory had gone to bed. And now he could change into white tie and have a night out with River Song.. What could be better ?. He’d booked a table at Maxim’s in Paris 1955 and was looking forward to a night of dancing with his River. River was already aboard the TARDIS and over in wardrobe selecting something appropriate for the evening. “What have you got for me this time Mrs. Robinson” thought the Doctor and enjoyed a brief laugh at his own bon mot. Just then his delight came to an abrupt halt as the cloister bell tolled. The Doctor froze with dread. The cloister bell, low and resonant. Distant and yet present in the console room. And somehow ominous. The cloister bell was nothing to ignore. It almost always signaled imminent disaster, a danger to the TARDIS or perhaps to the universe itself. Rory Williams turned over in his sleep and heard the doleful tolling of the bell. “What the...” he said to himself. Rory rolled out of bed and threw on a bathrobe, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. “Better go have a look” he considered as he noted Amy stirring in her sleep.. River Song was in wardrobe, considering what would be best to enhance the evening with the Doctor. Some too formal. Some a bit tacky. River looked seriously at one that was very sheer and showed a lot of skin in all the right places. “No” she thought “Looks like an invitation to dalliance”. “Better to look my best and entice my love with our favorite pastime, flirting”. River so enjoyed the flirt as she was sure the Doctor did too. They had a chemistry. It was magic when the flirting began and they needed no script. It just happened and they danced to the steps of it. But then...the ominous tolling. “No!” thought River. “Not the Cloister bell!” Immediately, River dropped in a heap on the floor a fabulous gown. She sprinted out of wardrobe for the console room. Amy Pond stirred. “What’s all this about ?” As she saw Rory step out in his robe. Amy stirred slowly and peaked out into the hallway. Still half asleep, she considered just going back to bed. “Oh I’ll wait for him to come back and see what all the fuss was”. After a few minutes she glimpsed a frantic River Song running for the control room. Amy only had time to ask “River ?”. But River kept running and called back to Amy “Hurry !” In the console room, the Doctor realized that the cloister bell was tolling for one of those rare times when a very distant signal was trying to reach him. He turned to the console and considered the communications bank. A screen came alive with the calligraphy of Gallifrey. The Doctor read it and responded in alarm. But more message came in and as he read, he knew that no harm would come. And perhaps some good in a time he couldn’t reach. Rory stumbled half asleep into the console room hearing the clositer bell. “Doctor?” he inquired. The Doctor turned to him and blurted out quickly, “Rory, go outside and answer the bell !” Without thinking Rory walked out the door and suddenly realized nothing was going on in the corridor “Doctor” he began but cut himself off when he realized the Doctor had used his sonic and locked him out of the console room. He shook his head and remarked, “Might as well grab a cupper while this gets sorted out” The bell had stopped. Meanwhile, a requested docking was taking place with the TARDIS.. The Doctor agreed as he was satisfied that it would be safe according to the parameters of the event. The man from the other ship walked into the TARDIS as the Doctor caught his breath. Both relaxed as they said hello and shook hands. Amy couldn’t understand why River was so frantic. But River just kept repeating, “It’s the closister bell, imminent disaster ! “ That was enough for Amy as she followed along in River’s wake to the console room. River tried the door to the console room and found it locked. She didn’t hesitate to whip out her blaster and shoot the lock. The door flew open and presented her with a scene she’d never imagined. There stood the Doctor considering the console with a man she’d never seen before. A man almost as tall as the Doctor but somewhat more heavily built. Perhaps 40 pounds heavier than the Doctor. A man looking about 30 years older but reasonably fit and with a touch of grey in his hair. He was dressed very formally with a dark suit, waist coat with chain and the largest collar she’d ever seen on a shirt, almost swallowing his tie knot. . The man looked at her with a somber yet sad expression. River found herself uneasy but then recovered as she whipped out her blaster again to cover this strange man. But as quickly as she drew her blaster, the new man snapped up his seemingly empty hand and produced a small device. Immediately, River’s blaster crumbled into dust. The Doctor did not seem taken aback by this. Instead he radiated an almost childlike delight. “Oh that’s lovely ! An ionic bonder hidden up your sleeve ! “. The other man though more subdued was pleased also. “Yes, Nyssa left one on board and it came in handy after I adapted it. I have a spring loaded holder up my sleeve “ ”Ha ! A regular Jim West “ replied Eleven. River looked from one to the other and a revelation dawned on her. “It’s You !” This was another version of the Doctor ! How did this happen ? The recall circuit ? This other Doctor regarded her and was instantly contrite. “I’m sorry River about your blaster. But I couldn’t allow anything to endanger this moment even by accident. What’s being done here is of a certain...ah...delicacy”. To which their Doctor smiled and remarked, “Oh I like that, well put”. And the new Doctor nodded his assent and added “Quite so”. Eleven added to molify River, “We’ll stop off after all this and replace your blaster”. River found herself getting impatient at this side jaunt, “Never mind that, what are you doing here ? You shouldn’t be here. And don’t you dare give me ‘Spoilers’!”. Just then Rory walked in with a cup of tea and munching a biscuit, “Who’s the stuffed shirt ?”; This drew a rather indignant look from the new Doctor and a mutter of “humans !”. Amy gave him a pleading look to be quiet. And Eleven stepped in rather hastily, “Ah, don’t please. Sometimes I can get a bit tetchy”. At this River sighed and remarked, “You’re such an impossible man”. And both Doctor’s replied simultaneously, “Yes” “Wait” said Amy, “You called her River. How can you know she’s River if you’re a past version of him ?” Both Doctors exchanged a quick glance. The new Doctor simply told her, “Because I have his memories, I am his possible future”. River though sensed something else here. “What do you mean, possible ?” The new Doctor replied, “This is a temporal fission event. There are some risks involved and it could very well fall out that if anything goes wrong, I’ll cease to exist. But not to worry. If I’m gone another Doctor will replace your’s if and when he regenerates.”. But Rory had to add, “If and when ?” Eleven fielded this one, “This isn’t a fixed point in time Rory. This is a fluid future and nothing is certain. I’m to presume that a paradox will be averted by our forgetting your visit?” looking at his other self. “Quite, the fabric of time will compensate by erasing my face, voice and words from your memory. You’ll know that a Doctor visited when I leave. But you’ll assume a past regeneration and think everything’s quite in order”said the other Doctor.. Eleven regarded his other self and said, “I’m sorry old fellow for the risk. Hope it works out for you”. “Well” said the new Doctor “If I fail there’ll be one consolation”. “What’s that ?” asked Eleven. “I get to see our Sarah Jane one last time” said the other Doctor. They both shared a small wan smile at that. Still, Amy had to ask, “Mary Jane who ?”. So Eleven told her, “Sarah Jane Smith, my old friend. I saw her and Jo Grant on Earth when you two were honeymooning.”. River nodded to herself and turned to Amy, “Sarah Jane traveled with the Doctor back some time ago. One of the very few who actually witnessed a regeneration. After she was dropped home by the Doctor she continued his work on Earth. Protecting it from alien menaces that got by UNIT and Torchwood. Saving the world from an attic in Ealing.”. “How cool is that ?” added Rory. It was then that Amy noticed the TARDIS door open. Open and leading into another TARDIS ! “C’mon now Doctor. You’ve got to let us have a look !” The other Doctor smiled with pride in his TARIDS and said “Most certainly, come along Pond. Come along one and all !” As they stepped in they were amazed. It was a much larger console room, larger and very posh. The console itself was gleaming and appointed with multi-bank keyboards. There was a lounge area with Divans and chairs. And beyond that a grand piano. Rory strolled over and started playing ‘Chopsticks’. The other Doctor looked annoyed for a second and then strode over past Rory to sit on the bench. “Think I should play something better suited to a first edition Steinway” he said. Then he looked up and glanced at both Eleven and River. Amy notice an almost mischievous look in his eye. It was like seeing her Doctor with another face ! “ Something appropriate for tonight I think”. Then his fingers danced over the keyboard in a virtuoso rendition of Franz Liszt’s ‘Liebestraum’, Song of Love. It was magic and they all soaked in the beauty of this immortal music. Music that would echo down the ages for millenia. When the other Doctor finished his performance he escorted them to the door and they said their goodbyes. Though he couldn’t resist a small wink at River. At which she broke out in a radiant smile.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:55:33 +0000

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