1/1/15 Hope everyone had a joyous and loving Christmas, and has - TopicsExpress


1/1/15 Hope everyone had a joyous and loving Christmas, and has great expectations for the New Year. Jon is going into this new year on more stable ground than last year and we all feel much more comfortable about his current status. We have been thrown another twist however. Boeing laid Mike off in early December, essentially forcing his early retirement, so we are experiencing many big adjustments as a result and scrambling to figure this thing out. Mike has been wonderful, taking it all in stride. Jon is now at the 14 month mark from discovery of his tumor, and diagnosis of glioblastoma multiform 4. This is a hallmark because its the average life expectancy after diagnosis for this wretched disease. The fact that he has arrived at this mark with no progression dares us to hope he could be one of those rare long term survivors. Five percent of folks with this survive to five years and are considered long term. It certainly doesnt sound long enough but well take what we can get. This month he tolerated the chemo much better with less fatigue and no chemo stomach issues. Since he is very stable at the moment and since this months regular appointment came during Christmas week, Dr Tran felt we could skip his appointment this month. Jon still did his routine lab work locally, then Dr Trans office made the decision about his next chemo dose. So Jon wont skip the chemotherapy, he just wont have to do the drive downtown for the Dr appt. His lab results are adequate enough for him to continue with the chemotherapy this month, so he will begin his 5 day course on Monday. Jons next appointments are scheduled for the end of January when he will again have an MRI, lab work, his DCVax booster, and his regular appt with Dr Tran. We thank everyone for all the love and support this past year, we truly feel blessed to have so many friends and family praying and pulling for Jon. ~ nanb
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:55:50 +0000

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