1-12-14 Warm up: 50 calorie row + 1 round of 20 reps: walking - TopicsExpress


1-12-14 Warm up: 50 calorie row + 1 round of 20 reps: walking lunge steps (20 each leg, yes that means 40 total), ghd sit ups, ghd back extensions. Strength: Back Squats A) Take 10 minutes to build up to 90% of 1RM B) 1-1-1+ (90%) 3-3-3+ (80%) 5-5-5+ (70%) *Once 90% has been established, you will do 2 sets of 1 rep, on the third set, you will perform as many reps as possible at that weight. From there, reduce the weight to 80% of your 1rm, then do 2 sets of 3 reps, on the third set, perform as many reps as possible at that weight. Lastly, drop the weight to 70%, and do 2 sets of 5 reps at that weight, and then on the third set perform as many reps as possible. 1 minute rest in between sets. Conditioning: 10 minute AMRAP of: 5 burpees 7 sdhp (75/55) 10 box jumps (24/20) *Sdhp = Sumo Deadlift High Pull *There will be no games standard on these box jumps. Time to go fast!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:14:22 +0000

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