1-20-15 – 0933 – THE LETTER TO THE GALATIANS, #60 “Even as - TopicsExpress


1-20-15 – 0933 – THE LETTER TO THE GALATIANS, #60 “Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”- Galatians 3:6 It was not by works, by keeping the law, by sacrificing animals, etc. Salvation has always been by grace through faith. Notice also that the events of Genesis 15:6 antedate the giving of the Law on Mt Sinai by more than 400 years. There is no way the Law could have saved Abraham. The Law was never given to save, but among other purposes was meant to drive men to understand their need for a Savior because of their inability to keep the Law. “ACCOUNTED” is a legal or financial term that means to place on ones account. The spiritual transfer that occurred was Abrahams spiritual bank account before God (who demands perfect righteousness) book was bankrupt as is every person born for we are all born into Adams line and as such inherit his sin virus and as a result are spiritually dead. When Abraham trusted God, God placed perfect righteousness on Abrahams account as a gift not as something Abraham earned. Abraham was declared righteous by faith or justified by faith. Abraham experienced justification which is the once-for-all time, immutable act of God whereby He declares the believing sinner righteous on the basis of Christs finished work on the cross. Please do not be confused. God did not make Abraham righteous, for that implies a process and justification is not a process but is an act. Justification is not something the sinner does but is a declaration which God makes regarding the sinners standing before Him when he places his or her trust in Christ. John Blanchard in his The Complete Gathered Gold rightly said, The man who is not prepared to heed the Word of God obediently will not even be able to hear it correctly. This is why the parables become windows to some people and walls to others.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 15:33:22 +0000

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