1/21/15 My mother Lois Young was transferred to Adams Co. - TopicsExpress


1/21/15 My mother Lois Young was transferred to Adams Co. Regional Medical Center last night from Adams Co Manor where she resides. She was sent there for evaluation and treatment based on the opinion of the staff and her Dr. Our family was in total agreement with this decision. She complained of vertigo the previous night yet her B/P remained stable so she was monitored throughout the day. Last night upon assisting her to the bathroom she collapsed, was unresponsive and drooling profusely. I realize some of this could be caused by Orthostatic Hypotension however her B/P has been normal for quite some time and she is no longer taking meds. for this. She is always very slow to rise and was walking well for several minutes. I believe this is an unlikely and unsubstantiated diagnosis. The staff nurse at ACM contacted my father of the transfer and we were on the way to hospital within 20mins. from West Union. Upon arrival we were informed Mom had already returned to the Manor. We were quite shocked that she had been evaluated and treated in 10-15 mins. The 2 nurses (I can only assume they were nurses) who were sitting at the desk casually explained that it was likely “Because she got up to fast” as these things just happen “When you get older.” They further explained, her B/P was normal here and in the squad so Dr. Aina “Didn’t see the need to do a work-up” My dad asked me why the Dr. couldn’t have at least spoke with us himself…….A very good question. The ER did not seem at all busy and we certainly would have understood if a life was being saved, we would have waited. Dad was also concerned if she had an injury, such as a laceration, or GI bleed would the hospital staff simple say “That’s what happens when you get old” and do nothing. So the picture is quite clear and very unsettling at the least to our family. We made the decision to initiate the DNR for mom due to her progressing Alzheimer’s. We are very clear on what this means. Perhaps Dr. Aina and his staff need a review in end of life and comfort measures. Yes mom is old and yes she may be nearing the end of her life. But we’re not there yet. If her heart stops we will let her go peacefully. I would not expect heroic measures to save her. However I will never let her suffer through something that can be cured or controlled such as a UTI without treatment. That would be very cruel and I believe illegal. Due to Dr. Aina’s negligence there was a nearly 24hr. delay in treatment. She is now on an Antibiotic d/t positive U/A. I am appalled our elderly are being treated this way when many of them supported the moving of our hospital even though it posed a hardship for them to travel the extra miles. What about all the geriatrics who have no one to speak for them. Could this be one reason the hospital is doing so poorly? It won’t happen again in our family. None of our family members will be subject to this treatment, or lack there of. We will be taking our business elsewhere. Debbie Fannin Burton Young Dianna Young Mitts
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 05:19:22 +0000

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