1/29/05 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All - TopicsExpress


1/29/05 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Have faith, My son, says The Lord. Lift up your head toward Heaven, and give thanks; rejoice, for the time of decision has come!... Indeed, all peoples of the earth must choose. Therefore, thus says The Lord to the peoples of the earth: Choose Love! Accept Him who was sent! Eat of this bread which was broken for you, drink deeply from this cup which was poured out for you, and be filled! Seek out true knowledge and receive of pure wisdom, and return to Me! Yea run swiftly, and embrace the Truth as it really is, that you may know Him through whom you were made, and be healed! Turn not away, nor be led quickly into destruction; for the adversary has indeed laid many false foundations, beds of thorns upon which all in the world have lain. He is the devil and satan who refuses to acknowledge his error, though he too shall be judged and has been judged already, even according to that which he has laid... Stones of stumbling, heinous inventions of the mind, from a heart full of murderous aspirations and lofty ambitions; plans within plans, lies upon lies, all to the same end - complete sovereignty. Behold, there is One alone who is sovereign, One alone who is from everlasting to everlasting!... I AM THE LORD!... And there is but One who reigns over all creation without question, The Christ! For The Father and The Son are One! Indeed The Holy One of Israel overcame the world from the beginning, and He who is called Holy and True shall judge the nations and destroy all wickedness!... Every evil plan ripped apart and torn in pieces, every lofty ambition and murderous aspiration cast down, every lie burned up in the fire and every false foundation stripped away! For the way of The Holy One is life, an everlasting foundation which can never be moved, a straight path to follow; a way set apart from all these briars and thorns, a sure way amidst all these stones of stumbling, a narrow way... The Highway of Holiness upon which all His beloved must walk! For His kingdom is a garden without thorns, A city free from every contemptuous way, A place of rest set apart from the many schemes of the evil one... A Sabbath... A Kingdom which shall never pass away, Where no one lies down in death, Nor shall any fall asleep or be made to slumber... Behold, My people shall never be covered over again, For all these things have passed away! Says The Lord. [Timothy] Therefore rejoice, O sons and daughters of God; and give thanks, all you His saints! For you have been remade in His image, and in His life are you restored! Behold, the order shall be given, and the trumpet shall sound! For the storm approaches quickly, the lightning flashes continually upon the horizon; judgment shall fill the entire earth! For The One True King has come to do battle, and His justice shall be swift, His victory absolute!... His rest glorious, His kingdom without end! [Angels] Praise be to The Lamb who was slain, to Him who sits upon the throne, for The Holy One comes! Behold, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is lifted up, and comes forth from His place to devour the goats and rip apart the jackals!... To lie down with the lambs. trumpetcallofgodonline/index.php5?title=And_The_Lion_Shall_Lie_Down_with_the_Lambs
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 19:41:39 +0000

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