1,700 hamas Gaza Millionaire MY DEAR - TopicsExpress


1,700 hamas Gaza Millionaire MY DEAR FRIENDS: QUESTION Isnt it more then disgraceful that the sitting US Pres SON-OF-ISLAM obama never references murderers of JEWISH innocents from hamas Gaza while he consistently condemns and pressures ISRAEL to make unilateral concessions that threaten her security and existence? ANSWER You know the answer.... He is SON-OF-ISLAM hamas powers-that-be and leaders are as corrupt as abu-mazen abbas and his fatah. All of the vicious propaganda about ISRAEL, flotillas from ANTI ISRAEL ANTI JEWISH leftists and alleged liberals like obamas bill ayers, bernadine doehrn et als have produced 1,700 millionaires, lavish mansions, private planes, luxurious hotels, frequent visits to Paris haute couture houses, expensive jewelry purchases, etc. Let me emphatically state once again that there is a double standard when it comes to JEWs and ISRAEL and ANTI SEMITISM, mankinds most ancient vile hatred, is the cause. The FACT that obama has not uttered word one in 5+ years about the escalating violent ANTI SEMITIC acts against JEWs in the US and worldwide is both cowardly and racist. I TOLD YOU!! AM YISROEL CHAI NO MORE CARVING ISRAEL UP OR PRISONER RELEASES SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE Their state=TransJordan NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE. IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLs muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD GOOD SHABBOS JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET News There Are 1,700 Hamas Millionaires in Gaza Dalit Halevi, Ari Yashar Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbass Fatah faction went on the offensive Thursday, claiming that Hamas in Gaza is corrupt and doesnt represent the Palestinian people. Fatah Spokesman Ahmad Assaf told Erem News that Hamass attempts to influence Egypts inner workings are unacceptable, noting the ties between Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, both of which have been outlawed in the Nile state for their part in terror attacks. Egypt has done more for the Palestinian Arabs than Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood, who merely spew empty slogans and sell religion according to Assaf. Hamas on Tuesday criticized Egypt for closing the Gaza border with Sinai, calling it a crime against humanity. The siege has led to power outages. The Fatah spokesman claimed that while Gaza is one of the poorest places in the world, there are 1,700 millionaires among Hamas members, hinting that the terror group imposes steep taxes on its citizens for goods entering from Egypt and Israel, and that this money finds its way into Hamas officials pockets. Assaf finished by praising Abbas, the Palestinian President, for standing behind his principles and treating any concessions in peace talks as red lines. The spokesman stated Hamas had returned the situation to the way it was before 1967, a somewhat confusing remark, given that it was in 1967 that the Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria came to an end, in the Six Day War. Widening cracks in Fatah-Hamas relations The Fatah criticism comes after Middle East expert Prof. Rafi Yisraeli assessed that Abbass life is in imminent danger from Hamas, which may try to supplant him. In doing so, the group would be aided by the fact that Abbass term of office ended in January 2009, giving Hamas claims of legitimacy. Tensions between Fatah and Hamas have been high, with Hamas police in Gaza cracking down on demonstrators supporting Abbas on Sunday, with 13 demonstrators arrested and many reportedly beaten. Those tensions have also been expressed in Hamass energy crisis. Hamas refuses to pay the exorbitant fuel taxes imposed by PA on fuel bought for the Gaza government from Israel, a key factor in the Hamas-enclaves repeating fuel shortages. On Sunday, Gaza was left without power for another day following an outage starting the day before, after the PA transferred only 100,000 liters of the 500,000 liters of fuel it had agreed to sell to Hamas. Tags: Hamas, Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas, Ahmad Assaf More on this topic IDF Chief of Staff Calls to Retake Gaza, Take on Iran Is Mahmoud Abbas Life In Danger? Abbass Political Rival: Abbas is a Catastrophe Hamas Slams Egypts Siege of Gaza Gazas Power Plant Resumes Operations Does Abbas See Arch-Terrorist as a Successor?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 19:47:15 +0000

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