1. ABM: Account Based marketing 2. Ad: Advertising 3. AIM: - TopicsExpress


1. ABM: Account Based marketing 2. Ad: Advertising 3. AIM: Alternative Investment Market 4. B2B: Business to Business 5. BDI: Brand Development Index 6. BEP: Break Even Point 7. BI: Business Intelligence 8. CDI: Category Development Index 9. CLS: Costumer Location System 10. CLV: Customer Lifetime Value 11. CMS: Content Management System 12. CPC: Cost Per Click 13. CPL: Cost Per Lead 14. CPS: Cost Per Sale 15. CR: Concession Rate 16. CRM: Content Relationship Management 17. CRM: Customer Relationship Management 18. CTR: Click through rate 19. DM: Digital Marketing 20. DM: Direct Mail 21. DRA: Direct Response Advertising 22. eCommerce: Electronic Commerce 23. EM: Email 24. EOQ: Economic Order quality. 25. F500: Fortune 500 26. FDI: Foreign Direct Investment 27. GRS: Gross rating Point 28. IDRA: Industries Development and Regulation Act 29. IMF: International Monetary Fund 30. LTV: Life Time Value 31. MAA: Marketing Authorization Application 32. MAP: Marketing Automation Platform 33. MKT: Marketing 34. MLM: Multi Level Marketing 35. MR: Market Research 36. MS: Market Share 37. MS: Market Surveillance 38. NPD: New Product Development 39. PAN: Permanent Account Number 40. POP: Point of Purchase Display 41. POS: Point of Sale Display 42. PPA: Pay Per Action 43. PPC: Pay Per Click 44. PPI: Pay Per Impression 45. PPL: Pay Per Lead 46. R&D: Research and Development 47. ROI: Return on Investment 48. ROMI: Return on Marketing Investment 49. RPM: Resale Price Maintenance 50. SE: Search Engine 51. SEM: Search Engine Marketing 52. SEO: Search Engine Optimization 53. SERP: Search Engine Results Page 54. SFA: Sales Force Automation 55. SMM: Social Media Marketing 56. SMO: Social Media Optimization 57. TAP: Targeted account programs 58. TMV: True Market Value 59. UPC: Universal Product Code 60. UX: User Experience 61. VAT: Value Added Tax 62. WOMM: Word of Mouth Marketing
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:52:41 +0000

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