1. Against Millenium weve had a bad decisionmaking on the Dragon, - TopicsExpress


1. Against Millenium weve had a bad decisionmaking on the Dragon, we shouldnt start it at all, weve lost all our advantage. Lack of well thought strategy caused Fizz to roam all over the lanes and get fed. Add 2-3 individual missplays and the game was lost. Millenium played really well, Kerp in particular, who played just brilliant this week. 2. Game against Gambit was quite simple. Genjas missplay caused him to lose 2 summoner spells at lvl 1, then he was pushing, killing him was formality. Diamond tried to kill Jankos, but he was outplayed. Double Buff for Overpow on mid and the game was over. 3. Against SHC, weve had good early, our Bot Lane went really well. Unfortunately when we attempted to do a sneaky nashor, they had a ward on the inside while we expected it to be on the outside. It caused Kassadin to get a triple kill, while we couldnt do any effective combo with Orianna + Leona/Elise. Weve had the advantage, but we couldnt close the game. 4. IMHO, we played against Fnatic really well, until I and Jankos died at the mid lane. Fnatic took Baron, but we managed to return to the game. But then, we missplayed the teamfight at the Fnatic mid inhibitor, and things went upside down. it was a won game, too bad weve thrown it. Anyway, theres no need to worry, its only 4 games out of 28. We will practice, although weve lost these 3 games, we didnt play these games too bad. It was everything up to some stupid mistakes weve never made. Thanks to the Przemek Koska for translation.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 16:33:59 +0000

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