1.*BEHAVIORIORISTS LEARNING THEORY -learning is condition by - TopicsExpress


1.*BEHAVIORIORISTS LEARNING THEORY -learning is condition by differential rewards. -learning is like human behaviour. Stimulus---- response 1. Imitation 2. Reinforcement 3. Repetition 4. Conditioning or habit formation 3 elements:. *Stimulus *Response *reinforcement- means a positive reinforcement/ negative reinforcement Effect: to repeat or suppress. CAH- CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS HYPHOTESIS 2.*COGNITIVISTS LEARNING THEORY (COGNITIVE) -it develops the mind. -every child is born with an ‘initial state’. Opposite: tabula rasa- means that a child is born with a blank mechanism in learning. LAD-LANGUAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE HYPHOTESIS TESTING-Every learner tries to figure out if this word is acceptable. 3.*KRASHEN’S MONITOR MODEL (most comprehensive theory) -The most ambitious theory w/c can explain everything. Acquisition/ learning hypothesis L1.Acquisition- subconscious. No formal instruction. L2.Learning- Conscious. Entails formal schooling. *NATURAL ORDER HYPHOTESIS -“there are grammatical patterns structure gradually LEVEL 1(GROUP) Present progressive-ING verb {running, eating} Plural s – balls, boys Copula b- is/ are LEVEL 2 (GROUP) Auxiliary to b Articles- the, and LEVEL 3 (GROUP) Irregular past form- fly, threw, brought, Level4 (GROUP) Regular past in ed/ d- played, 3rd person singular- she plays the guitar Possessive- *MONITOR HYPHOTESIS -the concept of comprehensible input. -the input that we know can edit the concept we know. - A person is made monitoring at hers. Condition: -there is sufficient time. - There is pressure to communicate correctly. - Appropriate are known. 4. INPUT HYPHOTESIS I +1 ‘IF THERES A LEARNING HE CAN BE ABLE TO ACQUIRE THE NEXT LEVEL W/O ANY NOTICE. 5.*THE AFFECTIVE FILTER HYPHOTESIS - Anxiety and motivation affect learning. 5. THEORY OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (DELL HYMES) , CONTRADICT CHOMSKY) GSDS *GRAMMATICAL/ LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE- means that individual must learn linguistics. * SOCIO-LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE- Ability of an individual to adapt language into social context. * DISCOURSE COMPETENCE- Connection of ideas * STRATEGIC COMPETENCE- use your strategic competence. Views of Language learning (larger chunks) 1. STRUCTURALISTS VIEW OF LANGUAGE-the believe language as verifiable and observable. - language has [pattern. Nature of language - Language a means of communication. - Language is primarily vocab.( vocal communication) - Language is system of systems. - Language is arbitrary. 2. TRANSFORMATIONALISTS VIEW- language is a system of knowledge that manifest in linguistic form but innate and universal. (BEHAVIORISTS THEORY) - Language is a mental phenomenon - Language is innate - Language is universal ( universal grammar-UG) - Language is creative. 3. FUNCTIONALISTS VIEW OF LANGUAGE -language is for utilitarian purposes. 4. INTERACTIONISTS VIEW OF LANGUAGE - Language a means of establishing social relationship or interaction. CAH- Contrastive Analysis hypothesis- BELIEF WHERE THERE ARE SIMMILARITIES THERE IS AN EASY WAY OF LEARNING. BUT IF THERE ARE DIFFERENCES, IT IS DIFFICULT TO LEARN. MACRO SKILLS PRODUCTIVE- speaking and writing RECEPTIVE- listening and reading Listening and speaking- logically paired. THEORIES IN LANGUAGE LEARNING 1. BEHAVIORIST LEARNING THEORY ( BLT)-more in the learning as a behavior log. with the process of habit formation 1. IMITATION 2. REWARD/ FREINFORCEMENT- emphasises the consequence of the response. 3. REPETITION 4. HABIT FORMATION CONTRASTIVE-ANALYSIS HYPHOTESIS- (CAH)- if the learner sees similarities with the 2nd language,with the 2nd language, learning would be easy. 2. COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY ( CLT)- LANGUAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE (LAD)- each child is born with initial state that is triggered by stimulus. 3. KRASHEN’S THEORY 1. ACQUISITION LEARNING HYPOTHESIS 2. NATURAL ORDER HYPHOTESIS 3. THE MONITOR HYPOTHESIS 4. INPUT HYPPTHESIS 5. AFFECTIVE- FILTER 4. THEORY OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE STRUCTURALIST VIEW- language can be described as observable or verifiable because there is a pattern that exists. -means of communication -system of system -arbitrary TRANSFORMATIONALIST VIEW-language is a system knowledge that manifest in linguistic form but innate and universal. -language is a mental phenomenon -innate -Universal -creative FUNCTIONALIST VIEW- looks at language s dynamic system through with members of community exchange information. -expression of functional meaning -meaning and function other than a structure. INTERACTIONALIST VIEW- language as vehicle for establishing interpersonal relation. -language for performing social transaction. -language as a tool for creating and maintaining social relations. LINGUISTIC PERFORMANCE- A TECNIQUE USED IN PHONETIC WHEREBY ASPIRING PRACTITIONER OF THE SUBJECT IS TRAINED TO CONTROL THE VOCAL ORGANS. DISCOURSE ANALYSIS- PRIMARILY LINGUISTIC STUDY EXAMINING THE USE OF LANGUAGE BY ITS NATIVE POPULATION WHOSE AMJOR CONCERN IS INVESTIGATING LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS ALONG WITH ITS FORMS PRODUCED BOTH IN SPEAKING AND WRITING. STRATEGIC COMPETENCE- PERSON’S ABILITY TO KEEP COMMUNICATION GOING WHEN THERE IS A COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN OR ENHANCES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE COMMUNICATION.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 04:18:47 +0000

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