1) •CLICK HERE To Read My Question I Asked Dr. Campbell (The - TopicsExpress


1) •CLICK HERE To Read My Question I Asked Dr. Campbell (The China Study Leader & Creator Of Fork Over Knives Movie About Veganism Dr.Campbell Is My Plant Based Nutrition Professor At Cornell University) --- plottpalmtree.miiduu/b12-controversy-unveiled-for-vegans-and-quotmeat-eaters-alikequot •CLICK HERE To Read Dr. Campbell RESPONSE (The China Study Leader & Creator Of Fork Over Knives Movie About Veganism Dr.Campbell Is My Plant Based Nutrition Professor At Cornell University) --- plottpalmtree.miiduu/b12-controversy-unveiled-for-vegans-and-quotmeat-eaters-alikequot-1 †MORINGA HAPPENS TO CARRY VERY HIGH AMOUNTS OF B12 (Cobalamin) •In Fact Many Of The VEGAN FRIENDLY B12 EXTRACT Dont Come From MEAT DERIVED SOURCES...But They Actually Come From Moringa (Or Spirulina, but Moringa Actually Is MANY TIMES BETTER THAN WHEATGRASS & SPIRULINA COMBINED!) !!! Who Knew? •Folic Acid/Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)/Moringa Oleifera Leaves/Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Especially When You Get Closer To AAA+ Quality Grades Like I Grow At Tropical Missouri And Belize- No Chemicals- And Even Freeze Drying The Moringa Is A Very Important Key Element OR CONSUMING THE MORINGA FRESH- RAW ORGANIC. Wildcrafted Is Even Better...Read More To See Details. ∆ The B Vitamins present in Moringa , specifically folic acid (Vitamin B9), Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are all responsible for helping the body remove homocysteine from the blood. High levels of homocysteine can cause artery damage. Meat is a good source of B vitamins, which is why vegetarians have an increased risk of dangerous homocysteine levels. It is especially important that they supplement these important vitamins for cardiac health. •Vitamin B3 in Moringa , known more commonly as niacin, may also reduce cholesterol in high concentrations, although further testing is needed to prove this conclusively. As far as other heart vitamins are concerned, Vitamin E and Vitamin C in Moringa work in conjunction with each other to prevent heart disease and other ailments through their antioxidant abilities. •Apart from vitamins for cardiac health, Moringa’s antioxidants are substances that remove toxic byproducts of chemical reactions in the body. Thats why you hear so much about antioxidants - they are responsible for clearing out highly reactive chemicals that circulate in the body, making sure they dont cause cell and tissue damage. It is this damage that is believed to cause heart disease, cancer and premature aging. •Other vitamins for cardiac health include folic acid and other B vitamins reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, according to a detailed analysis of more than three dozen scientific studies. •These nutrients work by quenching homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood that attacks blood vessel walls and promotes cardiovascular disease. Homocysteine (pronounced ho´-mo-sis´-teen) has emerged after 25 years of research as the new cholesterol, and researchers estimate that it is a major risk factor in 10 to 40 percent of heart attacks and strokes in the United States. Under normal circumstances, this amino acid is a short-lived byproduct of methionine metabolism, but a diet short on B vitamins prevents its breakdown. The latest study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, analyzed 38 previous studies on homocysteine, folic acid, and cardiovascular diseases. Researcher Shirley A. A. Beresford, PhD, of the University of Washington, confirmed that high blood levels of homocysteine were clearly associated with cardiovascular diseases and that folic acid lowered levels of the amino acid. Other studies have reported that vitamins for cardiac health also include B6, B12, and choline also lower homocysteine levels. •High blood levels of homocysteine, also known as hyperhomocysteinemia, pose a risk of cardiovascular disease independent of other risk factors, such as cholesterol, triglyceride, smoking, and so forth. Beresford estimated that up to 50,000 coronary heart disease deaths could be prevented by increasing folic acid intake-by eating more fruit and vegetables, fortifying foods with the vitamin, or taking supplements. •B12 (Cobalamin): B12 comes in various forms, but the methyl form is the one best used by the body, especially the central nervous system. Cyanocobalamin is the one most often found in nutritional supplements but then has to be converted by the liver. The conversion produces a significantly lesser amount. Therefore, it is best to use the methyl form. A Houston study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that deficiencies in both B12 and folate, ones particularly common in the elderly, were likely associated with age-related auditory dysfunction. Deficiencies of these two B vitamins could affect both the nervous and vascular systems associated with hearing. A deficiency has also been associated with chronic tinnitus and noise-induced hearing loss. This led researchers to recommend that serum levels of vitamin B12 be evaluated in persons with tinnitus, noise-induced hearing loss, or age-related hearing loss. A deficiency of B12 may also inhibit myelination (outer covering) of the neurons in the cochlear nerve. ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ •Chlorophyll Wheatgrass is famous for its high Chlorophyll, Moringa have four times more chlorophyll than Wheatgrass, more nutrients, anti oxidant and it is much healthier than Spirulina. Q:Does Moringa have Anti-Ageing properties? A:Forty six antioxidants have been found in Moringa. The high content of antioxidants makes Moringa one of the best products to reduce the damaging effects caused by free radicals. ~Eric Geoffrey Plott~ FIRST I WOULD LIKE TO START WITH CONCLUSION. plottpalmtree.miiduu/b12-controversy-unveiled-for-vegans-and-quotmeat-eaters-alikequot Dr. T. Colin Campbell (paraphrased so you would know which book to refer to for sources and referrences) Hi Eric, You jogged my memory with that 3-part Dr. Greger video series covering B12 and the essential fatty acids! I saw those some time ago and enjoyed his exploration of these topics. I dont wish to get too in depth in our discussions about B12 at this juncture as supplements are a topic covered in one of the modules the last class, TCC503. However, we can lay some ground work for those discussions. Have you read Dr. Campbells article, “B12 Breakthrough - Missing Nutrient Found in Plants” where he discusses the idea of plants possibly containing B12? Here is a link: tcolincampbell.org/courses-resources/article/b12-breakthrough-missing-nutrient-found-in-plants/ Following is an excerpt regarding some of Dr. Campbells thoughts on vitamin B12 along these lines (The China Study, p. 232): Vitamin B12 is made by microorganisms found in the soil and by microorganisms in the intestines of animals, including our own. The amount made in our intestines is not adequately absorbed, so it is recommended that we consume B12 in food. Research has convincingly shown that plants grown in healthy soil that has a good concentration of vitamin B12 will readily absorb this nutrient.(10) However, plants grown in “lifeless” soil (non-organic soil) may be deficient in vitamin B12. In the United States, most of our agriculture takes place on relatively lifeless soil, decimated from years of unnatural pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer use. So the plants grown in this soil and sold in our supermarkets lack B12. In addition, we live in such a sanitized world that we rarely come into direct contact with the soil- borne microorganisms that produce B12. At one point in our history, we got B12 from vegetables that hadn’t been scoured of all soil. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that modern Americans who eat highly cleansed plant products and no animal products are unlikely to get enough vitamin B12. EarthManErics Earth Man at Cornell University Plant Based Nutri album on Photobucket Dr. Campbell calls the vitamain B12 supplement (and D) separation from nature pills. We did use to consume B12 by default (and we got more sun). We may still do if we pull a carrot out of our own organic garden without washing it. But I wouldnt advise this for veggies from unknown sources! Our bodies store B12, so in the absence of its intake, it would take some time to become deficient. However, the issue of B12 deficiency is a consideration for the seriousness of its potential health consequences. Dr. Campbell writes in The China Study (p. 232): “If you do not eat any animal products for three years or more, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consider taking a small B12 supplement on occasion, or going to the doctor annually to check your blood levels of B vitamins and homocysteine.” A person may have their B12 and homocysteine level measured with a simple blood test (here is the US, in many states, this test can be ordered directly by the consumer). There are several websites offering this service, for example: B12: privatemdlabs/lab_tests.php?view=search_results&show=757&category=24&search=b12#757 Homocyseine: : privatemdlabs/lab_tests.php?view=search_results&show=11&category=2&search=homocysteine#11 As I mentioned, the topic of supplementation is covered in TCC503, so stay tuned! Hello Eric, Have you read Could It Be B12? : An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses by Sally M. Pacholok and Jeffrey J. Stuart (2005, Paperback) When I realized I had a severe B12 deficiency the book proved to be a phenomenal resource. (Synopsis A silent crippler stalks millions of North Americans. It afflicts one person with tremors, makes another depressed or psychotic, and causes agonizing leg pains or paralysis in still another. It can mimic Alzheimers disease, multiple sclerosis, early Parkinsons disease, diabetic neuropathy, or chronic fatigue syndrome. It can make men or women infertile or cause development disabilities in their children. The disorder is vitamin B12 deficiency. This isnt a new or fad disease. Youll find it listed in the textbooks of any first-year medical student. Yet it may be the most misdiagnosed disease and, when this occurs, the consequences can be tragic.) One idea about B12 deficiency that makes a lot of sense to me is this: First, B12 is often offered in a sublingual delivery method because it is well absorbed. Now add that people only began brushing their teeth so diligently in relatively very recent history. We know that bacteria build up in the mouth when left to nature and B12 is a bacterium. So, it has been suggested that the prolific cleaning of our oral cavities is a huge contributor to, if not a major cause of, B12 deficiency. Now, I am not suggesting that we stop brushing our teeth nor would I do so myself. Teeth are meant to last a life time and we are living much longer. I just think it is a very interesting point and worth strongly considering. There may be information out there; I have not delved into researching it. It would be interesting to know where the highest and lowest rates of B12 deficiency have been found in the world and if there is a correlation to B12 sufficiency in populations who do not brush their teeth. What do you (all) think? — #important #moringa #plottpalmtrees #plott #ericPLOTT Eric Plott Plott Palm TreesPlotties Group :) International Moringa Tribes Mission plottpalmtrees Eric Plott Plott Palm Trees Patricia Plott Plotts Health Channel - Real Health - Real Results Eric Geoffrey Plott Eric Geoffrey Leonard Plott Coconut Clare Plott Conscious Cooking Tree of Miracles Plottpalmtrees Clare PlottPlott Palm TreesJoe Plott INSIDE HARVARD - The Wonder Tree Research PLOTTPALMTREES.COM ~ Jennifer Bailey @P{l PlottPalmTrees.Com HELP-LINE Group Plottz Wonder Tree Research ~PlottPalmTrees.Com PlottPalmTrees.Com @P Moringasop King Ministry YHWH
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 16:56:31 +0000

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