1. COMMON DISEASES OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM 2. KYPHOSIS abnormal rounding of the spine that occurs in the upper and middle part of the back 3. Causes of KYPHOSIS Poor posture Present at birth Run families or genetics 4. RICKETS bone-softening disease that causes severe bowing of the legs, poor growth, and sometimes muscle pain and weakness 5. Causes of RICKETS Lack of Vitamin D Not enough calcium in one’s diet kidney and liver diseases 6. ARTHRITIS inflammation, swelling, redness of a joint 7. Causes of ARTHRITIS cartilage is wearing away lack of Synovial fluid infection 8. 9. 10. OSTEOPOROSIS bone tissue becomes brittle, thin, and spongy 11. Causes of OSTEOPOROSIS Hereditary Gender Ethnicity History of broken bones Low body weight 12. 13. BONE TUMOR abnormal growth of cells within the bone that may be noncancerous or cancerous 14. Causes of BONE TUMOR Hereditary Radiation Trauma 15. SCOLIOSIS causes the spine to curve to the left or right side 16. Causes of SCOLIOSIS present at birth hereditary 17. 18. SPRAINS an injury that happens when the ligaments get overly stretched or torn 19. 20. FRACTURES 21. Fractures commonly occur when a person has fallen, an object has been dropped on them, or the bone has been twisted 22. Compound Fracture a fracture in which broken bone fragments lacerate (rip, cut, tear) soft tissue and protrude through an open wound in the skin 23. Compound Fracture Need immediate treatment (because skin is broken) High risk of infection An operation is often required to clean the area of the fracture and realign the bone 24. Compound Fracture Typically caused by high energy injuries such as car crashes, falls, or sport injuries 25. Compound Fracture (cont.) 26. Simple Fracture A bone that has broken into two pieces, and has not broken through the skin 27. 28. Greenstick Fracture is a fracture in a young, soft bone in which the bone bends and partially breaks (cracks) 29. Greenstick Fracture Is a type of an incomplete fracture Doesn’t displace the bone Often occurs during infancy and childhood when the bones are soft 30. Greenstick Fracture Is a result of bending forces (falls) Could be a result of non-accidental injury (blow on the forearm or shin) 31. Comminuted Fracture Defined as a bone that has been shattered, splintered, or crushed into more than two pieces 32. Comminuted Fracture Occurs when there has been some kind of crushing force on the bone and can happen anywhere along the bone It mostly occurs in elderly people or people who already have a bone weakening condition 33.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 11:47:17 +0000

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