1 COR. 6:19-20 WHAT! KNOW YE NOT THAT YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST WHICH IS IN YOU, WHICH YOU HAVE OF GOD, AND YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN ? V-20 FOR YE ARE BOUGHT WITH A PRICE: THEREFORE GLORIFY GOD IN YOUR BODY, AND IN YOUR SPIRIT, WHICH ARE GODS. Take time to be Holy. The word Holy means set apart for the glory of the Lord. The quiet moments in the Lords presence will produce a holy attitude within you. As we keep our heart, soul, mind, and body focused on the Lord Jesus Christ we will be transformed into the design that the Lord Jesus wants us to be. If this is going to happen, then we must set aside time with the Lord Jesus, for communion with Him. This comes when we put our trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the benefits of this each day will be limitless. Let each of us open ourselves up to receive the wonderful blessings that the Lord Jesus has prepared for us. By the grace of the Lord, we must work at keeping our bodies clean, because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Christ lives in our heart and life by the power of the Holy Spirit. When we obey the Lord, He is able to do in and through us immeasurably more than you and I can even think are ask. These will be just a few of the benefits of living in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord Jesus that You are all powerful, all knowing, all seeing. You are always on time. Never early, never late. Amen! We thank each of you that prays for me and my family each day. My prayer for each of us this morning is that we will strive to live holy, depending only on the Lord Jesus Christ. When we live in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, the things of earth will grow dim in the light of His glory and grace. May we never forget who we belong to. We belong to Christ Jesus because He bought and paid for our Salvation on the cross of Calvary. And remember that no one ever loved you like Jesus. Thank You Lord Jesus that You are our soon coming King! In these days ahead, may we keep telling the world that the Lord Jesus Christ Is The Reason For The Season! It is only five days until Christmas. Have you made room for the Lord Jesus Christ?
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:14:08 +0000

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