1 Cadavers died naturally, principally of the old age, of poultry - TopicsExpress


1 Cadavers died naturally, principally of the old age, of poultry from home farms for diet of the dogs or cats, possibly human This food mercy (i.e. symbiosis) may be based on the breeding of broiler chickens to their natural death of old age, virtually their most common heart attack, which occurs when the outdoor breeding in a chicken coop in their age on average 2-3 years, whereas, broiler c...hickens are hard race and broilers are originally bred to life with a length of approximately 30 days until their slaughter for meat. We feed broilers grain grown without herbicides and pesticides, as well as dried organic alfalfa, which naturally includes dried insects and fresh grass. After the broiler has died, it is necessary to perform its autopsy of veterinarian, in order to determine whether it did not die of some contagious illness, especially of a bacterial or viral infection. Then it is necessary broiler to freeze and to calculate the minimum quantity of this carrion of an animal that will be necessary for the healthy nutrition of a particular dog or cat. This is done in such a way that we feed dog or cat with diet free from the corpses of animals i.e. the eggs and milk, both the best of home breed, and in my experience the best purely vegetarian organic feed yarrah for dog or purely vegetarian feed ami cat for cat (in my experience a dog or cat will not survive only on a purely vegetarian feed ami cat or yarrah for dogs, although the manufacturer states that it is a complete feed, during the exclusive long-term use of the purely vegetarian feed ami dog my dog vomited permanently the yellow water), that, according to my experience, animals like to eat and we watch occurrence of the symptoms of allergic reactions of the animals to this feed. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to this feed are vomiting, diarrhea, or scratching of a dog or a cat, after occurrence of allergic reaction of this dog or cat we feed immediately 200 grams of frozen carrion of an animal, which we will cut with a meat cleaver from frozen carrion of the animal. Then again, all of the steps of above diet of a dog or a cat without dead animals only with the aforementioned eggs and milk and the feed yarrah for dog or ami cat for cat and when above mentioned allergic reactions appear we determine the number of days the animal survives with 200 grams of a carrion of an animal, and we calculate by dividing the 200 grams of carrion of animal with this number of days a minimum quantity of a carrion of an animal which we have to give a cat or dog for above mentioned feeding without the dead animals that the cat or dog stays healthy. At the same time, even if we adhere to this minimum amount of carrions of animals, so when the above allergic reactions appear in a dog or a cat we must feed additional large quantity of this animal carrion not to endanger the dog or cat a life dangerous allergic shock. The most dangerous threat of death of nutritional inadequacy, when the above vegetarian feed of a dog or a cat, basically, if we do not apply correctly the above steps, is physical-motor problems of dog or cat, while their occurrence it is to be always immediately sought a vet, who applies typically to animal injected vitamins from corpses of animals and it should be recovered for a period of convalescence of the animal the standard diet (i.e. meat canned) of a dog or a cat. Perhaps for animals it is unnecessary, but for humans necessary to boil the carrions of animals in several waters. To the human with the allergy with long-term ovo-lacto vegetarian diet for details see 7. Interview with Hare Krishna-an important Hindu organization and Hindus about eating meat and carnivores . The above steps of merciful feeding I apply with the success for myself and also already 4 years for my dog (up to 07/2013 purely vegetarian feed ami dog), that in 2013 reaches the age of 7 years, which needs in the aforementioned vegetarian lacto-ovo feeding method according to the above calculation, when its weight approximately 10 kg, at least 10 grams of a carrion of an animal per day (that is, when for example I will give it 120 grams of animal carrion, it lasts for a maximum of 12 days) and which I regularly do a complete blood analysis at the vet also, according to the latest complete blood analysis of my dog at the vet from 20.2.2013 my dog is in this diet completely health (that is, it has all the blood values OK). Literature: amipetfood/ , spvzt.cz/ , spvzt.sweb.cz/ , filosofierovnovahy.sweb.cz/ , yarrah-bio.cz/content/1-psi
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 21:36:36 +0000

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