1 Cor 14:5 Now I wish that you might all speak in [unknown] - TopicsExpress


1 Cor 14:5 Now I wish that you might all speak in [unknown] tongues, but more especially [I want you] to prophesy (to be inspired to preach and interpret the divine will and purpose). He who prophesies [who is inspired to preach and teach] is greater (more useful and more important) than he who speaks in [unknown] tongues, unless he should interpret [what he says], so that the church may be edified and receive good [from it]. If you read the context of the beginning of chapter 14, Paul wishes the church to all speak in tongue but he clearly states that he wishes more the church to prophesies. When most Christians read these verses, they assume the word prophesies here is to prophecy speaking as though Thus saith the Lord! Many are taught and assume since this is the greater gift than to speak in tongue, it must be defined as being the divinely inspired Word or utterance with the Thus saith the Lord! at the end of the prophecy. After all, in verse five, it does state that he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks in tongues, unless he should interpret. However, the context of the beginning is speaking about edifying the church and believers. If we are to edify and build up the church, they must be fed the Word of God. 1 Cor 14:3 But [on the other hand], the one who prophesies [who [b]interprets the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching] speaks to men for their up building and constructive spiritual progress and encouragement and consolation. In most other English versions, the word of prophesies or prophesieth may be used so most believers assume it is the generic term to prophecy or basically Thus saith the Lord statement. But the amplified has the best definition. The term prophesies is to interpret the divine will and purpose inspired preaching and teaching. Let us look at another version. 1 Cor 14:1-5 NLV or New Living Version You should want to have this love. You should want the gifts of the Holy Spirit and most of all to be able to speak God’s Word. 2 The man who speaks in special sounds speaks to God. He is not speaking to men. No one understands. He is speaking secret things through the power of the Holy Spirit. 3 The man who speaks God’s Word speaks to men. It helps them to learn and understand. It gives them comfort. 4 The man who speaks in special sounds receives strength. The man who speaks God’s Word gives strength to the church. 5 I wish all of you spoke in special sounds. But more than that, I wish all of you spoke God’s Word. The one who speaks God’s Word has a more important gift than the one who speaks in special sounds. But if he can tell what he is speaking, the church will be helped. Beloved brothers/sisters, I am emphasizing this message because the Holy Spirit spoke to me about these verses. It is a greater gift because one who prophesies is one who can teach, preach, and discern Gods Word or bible. In NLV version, it states to speak Gods Word. God wants us to learn and know HIS Word which is the bible! Yes, in some extent, it can be to prophesies in terms of speaking directly from Gods throne. But so many believers are attempting to prophecy with no foundation of the Word of God in their spirits. So many believers can speak in tongue but have no foundation of the Word of God! How can one prophecy with sand as their foundation? Our foundation should be the Rock who is Christ and who is the Word! I am seeing many Christians who can speak in tongue very deceived. I am seeing many Christians who claim to prophecy stating Thus saith the Lord very deceived. In these last days, many false counterfeit Jesus will appear to many deceived Christians. How do you know you are not deceived? Satan is the master of lies and deception. Do you really think you can outwit an eternal being who has been here longer than you? You must know the Word and always be led by the Spirit! You must be cleansed and purged of your sins, addictions, bondage, hurt, abuse, anger, hate, coveting, lust, and the secret sins that others do not know about. How can God speak through a vessel that is so defiled? God can only speak through a broken, cleansed, purged, and contrite vessel who fears and trembles before HIM in reverence. Yes, HE loves us very much but we must know HE is GOD! Rather than wanting so badly to prophecy because of ones pride, perhaps, it would be best to ask God to cleanse and be purge learning to be still and feeding on HIS Word instead. So many people are in such a hurry to be prophetic. So many have no patience to be cleansed and wait for HIM. Do you not know those who speak for HIM will be judge and condemn greater if you are wrong? To know HIS Word is to know HIM. You must know HIS Ways and Character first. Pastor Steve Yong Kim Fire of God Church Fremont, CA USA
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 23:44:55 +0000

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