1 Corinthians 13:11 (Amplified Bible) When I was a child, I - TopicsExpress


1 Corinthians 13:11 (Amplified Bible) When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside. Clinging to childhood while growing into manhood is like trying to run in the opposite directions at the same time. Many men who were once children wandered into manhood, drowned themselves in entertainment and live for the weekend rather than live for eternity. Rather than being responsible men of their word they are non-committal and dependent upon their mothers. Rather than excelling and leading like previous generations they are passively watching women their age surpass them in the classroom and in the workplace. Rather than initiating conversations with wiser men, they goof off with fools in sports bars. Their identities are wrapped up in pleasing themselves and wasting their time, not bettering society and training up the next generation. They then carry this over into their families. Sometimes it’s a 30 year old man who won’t stop playing video games to read to his children. Or a 40 year old dad who won’t talk with his hurting teenage daughter because it would take time away from a playoff game. Or a father who won’t go to church with his family because he stayed up too late watching TV shows that only reinforce his immaturity. Too many men want the freedoms, rewards, and privileges of manhood but only the responsibilities of boyhood. Resolve in your heart today with the help of Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior that you will no longer be immature like a child but you are willing to surrender to the Word and be educated on who God created you to be as a man, worldconquerorschurch.org
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:12:03 +0000

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