1 Corinthians chapters 12 thru 14 12.1 Now brothers, concerning - TopicsExpress


1 Corinthians chapters 12 thru 14 12.1 Now brothers, concerning the spiritual things 3, I do not want you to be mindless. 12.2 You saw you were nations. You were led away toward these dumb images. You were led like this. 12.3 So I am making it known to you that nobody speaking in God’s Spirit calls Jesus 2 cursed, and nobody says “Jesus is the Lord,” except in The Spirit Who Sets Apart 4. 12.4 Now there is a variety of favors 5, in the same Spirit, 12.5 and there is a variety of services, but the same Lord, 12.6 and there is a variety of energizings, but it is the same God who energizes everything in everybody. 12.7 But the shining 6 of the Spirit is given to each, to carry together, 12.8 because the word of wisdom is given through the Spirit to one, the word of intimate knowing to another, according to the same Spirit, 12.9 to another, trust in the same Spirit, to another, the favors 7 of healing in the same Spirit, 12.10 to another, the energizing of miracles, to another - prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another, types of tongues, to another, the interpretation of tongues, 12.11 but that Spirit is energizing all these, distributing to each one his own, as he wants to, 12.12 because just as the Body is one, and it has many limbs, and all the limbs of that one body are many, they are one body. The Anointed One 6 is like that too, 12.13 because we were all plunged into one Body through one Spirit, whether Jews or nations, whether slaves or free, and we have been irrigated into one Spirit, 12.14 because the Body is not one limb, but many. 12.15 So, if the foot says, “I am not of the Body, because I am not the hand,” is it not of the Body? 12.16 And so if the ear says, “I am not of the Body, because I am not the eye,” is it not of the Body? 12.17 If all the Body was an eye, where would the hearing be? If everything was hearing, where would the smelling be? 12.18 But now, God has put all the limbs in the Body, just as it has pleased him, 12.19 and if they were all one limb, where would the Body be? 12.20 But now, many limbs, but one body, 12.21 and the eye does not tell the hand, “I do not need you,” nor too, the head to the feet, “I do not need you.” 12.22 No! How much more necessary are those limbs of the Body, that seem to be more feeble. 12.23 Also, we lay down a huge overflow of honor around those of the Body that seem to be less honorable, and our parts with no shape have extreme good shape, 12.24 because our parts in good shape have no need, but God has mixed the Body together, giving extreme honor to what was last, 12.25 so there is no split in the Body, but so the limbs have the same care for one another. 12.26 Also, if one limb suffers, all the limbs suffer with it, or one limb is honored, all the limbs are happy with it. 12.27 Now you are the Body of Anointed One, and limbs from portions, 12.28 and God has set some in the called-out 1, first sent-ones 5, secondly revelators, thirdly teachers, after that power miracles, then favors 2 of healings, helps, governing by piloting and steering, types of tongues - 12.29 not all sent-ones, not all revelators, not all teachers, not all power miracles, 12.30 not all the favors of healing, not all speaking in tongues, not all interpreting, 12.31 But be zealous for the strong dominion 3 favors, and yet... Notes 1 Ek’kleesia, 2 gifts, karisma’ta, 3 Kreittona, 4 Angel, 5 Apostolos, 6 Messiah, Christos, I shall show you a route - above a throw! 13.1 Though I speak with the tongues of people and messengers 4, and I do not have unconditional love, I have become like sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 13.2 Also, though I have prophecy, and I see all mysteries and all intimate knowing, and though I have all trust to remove mountains, and I do not have unconditional love, I am nothing. 13.3 Also, though I supply all my goods, and though I give my body to be burnt, and I do not have unconditional love, I do not benefit. 13.4 Unconditional love is patient. It is kind. Unconditional love is not jealous. Unconditional love does not brag. It is not puffed up. 13.5 It is not out of order. It does not seek itself. It is not close to being acidic. It does not take an inventory of evil. 13.6 It is not happy on injustice, but it is happy in the truth. 13.7 It bears everything. It trusts everything. It hopes for everything. It endures everything. 13.8 Unconditional love never fails. But if there are prophecies, they will fail. If there are tongues, they will cease. If there is intimate knowing, it will vanish away. 13.9 Because we know intimately, in part, and we are prophesying in part. 13.10 But when what is complete has come, then what is in part shall be done away. 13.11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child. I understood as a child. I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things, 13.12 because now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know intimately, in part. But then I shall recognize, even as I am recognized, too. 13.13 And now these three stay - trust, hope, unconditional love - but the greatest of these is unconditional love. 14.1 Follow after unconditional love, and desire the spiritual things, but rather, so you prophesy, 14.2 because the one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God - because nobody understands him, but he speaks mysteries in the Spirit, 14.3 but the one who prophesies speaks to people to build up, and exhort, and comfort. 14.4 The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies builds up the called-out 1. 14.5 I want you all to speak in tongues, but I would rather you were prophesying - because the one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so the called-out receives building up. Notes 1 Ek’kleesia, 2 Yes, I Agree, 3 Torah, Law Of Moshe, 14.6 Now, brothers, if I come to you speaking in tongues, how shall I benefit you, unless I speak to you either in uncovering, or in intimate knowing, or in prophesying, or in teaching, 14.7 and even things without life that give a sound, whether pipe or harp? How can what is piped or harped be known intimately, unless they give a distinction in the sounds, 14.8 because if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for the battle? 14.9 So, in the same way, unless you speak through the tongue words that are easy to be understood, how can what is spoken be known intimately, because you will speak into the air! 14.10 Maybe there are so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without a tone. 14.11 So, if I do not see the meaning of the voice, I will be a foreigner to the one talking, and the one talking will be a foreigner to me. 14.12 Even so, just as you are zealous for spiritual things, seek to excel in building up the called-out 1. 14.13 So, the one speaking in a tongue should pray he can interpret, 14.14 because if I pray in a tongue, my spirit is praying, but my mind is unfruitful. 14.15 So, what is it? I shall pray in the Spirit, and I shall pray in the mind too - I shall sing in the Spirit, and I shall sing in the mind, 14.16 because when you personally speak thanks in the Spirit, how will he who occupies the idiot’s place say “Amen 2” at you giving thanks, seeing he does not understand what you are saying? 14.17 Because for sure, you personally give thanks well, but the other one is not built up. 14.18 I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than you all, 14.19 but in the called-out, I would rather speak five words through my mind, so I can teach others too, instead of ten thousand words in a tongue. 14.20 Brothers, do not be childish in understanding - but be childish in harmful things. But be people in understanding. 14.21 It is written in the Law 3 Isaiah 28.11-12, “I shall speak to this people in other tongues and other lips, and even so, they shall not hear me, says the Lord.” 14.22 So, tongues are into a sign, not for those who trust, but for those who do not trust - but prophesying is not for those who do not believe, but for those who trust. 14.23 So if the whole called-out comes together into one place, and everybody is speaking in tongues, and idiots or those who do not trust come in, will they not say you are mad? 14.24 But if everybody is prophesying, and someone who does not trust, or an idiot comes in, he is convinced under everybody. He is questioned under everybody, 14.25 and so his heart’s secrets shine, and so he shall worship God, falling down on his face, and he shall announce away from you that God is in you - for sure. 14.26 So, how should it be, brothers? When you come together, every one of you has a psalm, he has a teaching, he has a tongue, he has an uncovering, he has an interpretation. Everything shall be done to build up. 14.27 If anybody speaks in a tongue, let it be by two or at the most by three, and up, and somebody should interpret, 14.28 but if there is nobody to interpret, he should stay silent in the called-out 1, and he should speak to himself, and to God. 14.29 Two or three of the revelators should speak, and the other should judge. 14.30 If it is uncovered to another one sitting nearby, the first one should stay silent, 14.31 because all have miracle power to prophesy one by one, so everybody learns and everybody is comforted, 14.32 and the spirits of the revelators give way to the revelators, 14.33 because God is not of confusion, but of peace, as it is in all called-outs of the set-apart-ones. 14.34 Your women 5 should stay silent in the called-outs, because it is not turned onto them to chat, but to give way, as the Genesis 3.16 Law 2 says, too, 14.35 and if they want to understand anything, they should ask their men at home, because it is a shame for women to be chatting in the called-out. Notes 1 Ek’kleesia, 2 Torah, Law Of Moshe, 3 Little Rock, 4 Heel-Grabber, Jacob, James, 5 Gunee, 6 Apostolos, 7 Messiah, Christos, 14.36 What? Did God’s Word come out of you, or did it only come to you? 14.37 If anybody seems to be a revelator, or spiritual one, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are the commandments of the Lord, 14.38 but if anybody is mindless, let him be mindless. 14.39 So, brothers, covet prophesying, and do not prevent speaking in tongues. 14.40 Everything should happen decently and in order. freeedom.info/unique-.html
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:20:21 +0000

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