1 Creation BIBLE OLD TESTEMENT Isaiah Chapter 19:18 *In that - TopicsExpress


1 Creation BIBLE OLD TESTEMENT Isaiah Chapter 19:18 *In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, the city of destruction. --- “-Marocco, Algeria, Tunis, Libia and Egypt-” Now Iblies party chanced the name in this verse {Iyyaat-, what means Mesegde in Fus ha luguage,“inthe Netherlands where city Armegedon is after the year 1992 [they call it new Bible translation] “, the word Canaan from Canaan into Hebrew. From Canaan”Fus’ha” what we call Arabic”a sub dialect from Fus’ha”. Fus’ha the luguage of the people of Ethiopia “Middle East”, where the tribes of Yisrael lives after their land was stolen by the Romans”Byzantine”they raised Syria, Philestine and Jordain on Yisrael land. Between 168 AC until 500 AC Syric Armharic died and Fus’ha became the luguage of the tribes of Yisrael. The chance of word in this verse what we now know means mesegde is don with the aproveal of the Jews for they stand also “they say” by the Old Testemant “Thora”. They didit to convious the people wheil they know better so people can’t say Allah is Father of creation but the Jewgod, they talk Hebrew,; a lageuage that gose back to Abraham tru the children of Jacob (1 John 4:1-6) and also their three in one god it takes Down (Ex. 20:1-6). But Yisraels children spaok Syric Armharic Isayah 36:11 There are a lot of people who only join a religious community for protection or for the eye of men, or other wrong things. You have people who say; if he or she doesn’t see me in the church or musk than the talking starts. People like that don’t believe but because of the groups pressure they go. Shorly for all the wrong reasons the wont see the signs. But them why believe for any right reason eavan if they are afraid and started to dough their faith in the minds of Satans, Satans wait to tray to take you of the pad of the Gardens. Satan hunt on the borders and within the border line or round it, and some where their we find a connection point, a spiritually crossroad where more border lines come together as one. And Ieblies the satan know where mankind don’t know about, but the book say if you true believe, Satan have no power over you. That are also the same party who when you do something wrong on your pad to goodness and you tray to pick yourself up, keppon going the course they whant to make shore you don’t forget so you end up going away of the Right Pad. That’s the reason they “satanparty”tray tp brake you down but its just Satans people who work with them. He want you to fall back or stay down and conta rise. They want you to turn top evil or fall in the hands of evil. And go deeper and deeper. But what they did they never wanted you to know that you must made the choice.. The more sin you do in your live the more you; a) pull people down every time you think they rise b) throw your judgments around. These are the ones we call wolfs in sheep close. But to all thru believers it’s time to put your believes to the test. This knife that cuts both ways, for Christians as well as the Islamic Nations have the half of the story, that’s also corrupted by believers who thought they do good and by Satans who infiltrated the religious communities, the one more than the other. Qur’an Chapter 3:20 89th revelation Muhammed {Conforter, Redeemer sewrtu Ali Imraaane *ienne {indeed- al {the- diiieyne {religion- iende {near- Alllaaahie {Allah- al {the- iesle’amu {islam- we {and- me’a {not- agtelefe {differed- alddiiieyne {those who- uwtuwa {were given- al {the- kiete’abe {book- ielle {except- mien {from- be’aidie {after- dje’aaahumu {come to them- al {the- ielmu {knowledge- beynehum {among them- we {and- men{whoever- bie’e’ayaaatie {in verses- Alllahie {Allah- fe’ienne {then indeed- Alllahe {Allah- serieyu{swift- al{the- hiseábie {account- The Qur án her claim the tru God of the children Yisraels Exodus: Movement of Jah people! Bob Marley ....... CREATION Chapter 1.1 BM” Befor Mankind” Bible Old Testimony The book Genesis Chapter 1:1 * in the beginning God created heaven and earth--- About this time mankind have no knowledge except what Most High let us know and that He made it before we where around. We know that the heavens and that the Angels & the Djins, whure made before mankind. They live like us on in their world in there own dimension “the Djins”their world is called Melekut, they say that it is the world of the Angels but the angels are surround us and they who are not surround us they are in the heavens surving and praising The Most High. And those we don’t do both are the guards of hell Zabanieyah{guards of hel- We cannot see or hear the Djins but they can see and hear us. Like us they had a sign from Allah that they better obey, theirs was Iebliss ”the Snake satan, Messiah of the Djins”, that’s why he is one of the Angels. In Babylon they say bad spirits but a Djiny is no spirit. A Djiny is made out of fire and the Spirit comes from the Most High. Some people say Aliens but I say Angels or Djins or Satans {followers of Ieblies of the Djins- the angels visit the messengers of the Most High. The Djins are in to groups; believers and as we say Sjaitans, the ones who follow Iebliss a.k.a. keh’aferbiela {disbeliever. Than the book say there was darkness we mankind are created in darkness. Chapter 72:12-15 40th revelation of Muhammed the comforter \\ Redeemer sew’ratu {sura- djin we {and- enne’a { that- mienne’a {among us- al- {the- saaliehuwne { righteous- we {and- mienne’a { among us- duwne { other than- dhaaaliekeh {that- kunne’a { we- taraa’aaa’ieqa {ways- qiededena {different- *we{and- enne’a {that we- zanennaaa {have become certain- en { that- llen {never- nu’aidjieze {we will cause failure- Alllehe {Allah- fie {in- al {the- erdie {earth-we {and- len {never- nu’aidjieze {we can escape Him- herabena {flight- we {and- enne’a {that- lemme’a {when- semy’aine’a{we heard- al{the- hudaaay{guidance- aamenne’a {we believed- biehie {in it- femen{and whoever- yuwmien {believes- bierabbiehie{in his Lord- fele {then not- yegaafuh {he will fear- begsena {any loss- we {and- le{not- raheqana {any burden- *we{and- enne’a{that we- mienne’a {among us- al{the- musliemuwne {muslims- we{and- mienne’a {among us- al{the- qaasytuwne {unjust- femen {and woever- esleme {submits- fe’uwlaaa’ieke {then those- teharrawa {have sought- rasjedena {right path- *we{and- emme’a{as for- al{the- qaasietuwne {unjust- feke’anuwa {they will be- ly {for- djehenneme{hell- hatabena{firewood- Here we see that not all of the Djinie followed Iebliss in his disobeying The Most High. There are djins who are Muslim and there are Djins who follow Iebliss. They interact with the humans must of them are demons for they choose the pad of Iebliss. The let people do more sin than they had wanted. When we look at the Qur’an we see that the djins who rebel and joined forces with Iebliss are called Satan’s or Demons and they are s somewhere in the lowest universe. The stars make shore they can’t enter and they stay there until resurrection. Chapter 37:7-11 56th revelation of Muhammed the comforter \\ Redeemer sew’ratu {sura- al {the- saaffe’aty {- *ienne’a{indeed- zeyyenne’a{adorned- al{the- seme’a’e{sky- al{the- dunye’a{world-bieziiieynetin{with an adornment- al{the- kewe’akiebie{stars *we{and- hiefzana{guards- mien{against- kullie{every- sjetaanin{satan- me’ariedin{rebellious- *le{not- yessemme’uwne{they may listen- ieley{to- al{the- mele’ie{assembly- ale’ailaaay{exalted- we{and yuqnefuwne{are pelted- mien{from- kullie{every-dje’aniebin{side- *duhuwrana{repelled- we{and- lehum{for them- aidhe’abun{a punishment- we{and- asiebun{perpetual- *ielle{except- men{who- gatiefe{snatches- al{the- gatfete{theft- fe’etbe’aihu{but follows him- syiehe’abun{a burning flame- the’aqiebun{piercing- We know now that life exists on other places. We knew that there are angels but now we see that the djyns who jointed Iebliess & the ones who stayed loyal to Most High life somewhere in the universe”the E.T.’s”. The word of the Djins created before the world of man had also a Christ figure and that was Iebliess. That makes you question why the European man put all his mony energy and other people’s lives in trying to make contact with other live forms somewhere in space. Now almost all nation tray to get in space, but we see now that the demondjins are trying to get in contact with their brethrens who where put somewhere. What you look for in space? Do they want to join forces to attack paradise or do they wanted to rule the earth and?? Bible N.T. the letter of Jude v6 6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Nibiru a planet many have there hopes on . some say there where from but all know that its something. The Rastafarians have a Nayabingy somg called Sattah Massagana, its about a mistry land far away. The story goes that there the son of Mary sit on his throne and watch what hapen with the dominian Allah gave him. But most likcly it is the world of the Djinn. The Qur’an shows us in the suwratu that talks about Saba that they geuss about the mistry land. That shows us that the Islam is aknowlegde with it al. We see here that Niburu have a other rottation. The Mayian people thouth the world whould end 2012 is what they told us. We only saw that the planete Niburu came in the picture. *about the Maya revelation says that two crocks whil open their mouth and water come over the land. Crock one; the Andes When we look at South America the Andes mounten, it have a long reach and a long mounten always look like the back of a crock, that ice is melting. Crock two; the Rocky Mountains When we look at, also we see that on the other is the other crock the Rocky mountens the other crock and I think that ice is melting also. From a distance it look like the Maya painting about the end of the world, but the big Qwestion is wich world theirs of all our world inc. Africa, Asia, Europe, North & South Pole or only America?* We see that even in the Sumerian civelaciton they talked about Niberu. Because Cain killed his brother Abel the blessing of the choosen one went to Seth the third son Adam. After Amon Ra his line stayd on the throne of Egypt, they al who sat on the trown of Egypt claim to be a god by that they disobeyd the First Commantment, who it looks like the Egyptian and the Sumerian people did not have. It’s the One and Only God so their story of Christ who we know as Amon Ra happen to all civelacitions in the line of Seth. But it looks like their the son of their Christ followed after him on the throne thats why they said he is god I am his son so I am a god too. There is also a therory that Niberu in the past calleps with the earth and that hot lava escaped from earth and becaus it was liqwid it became a bubbel in space ressulthing into the moon. O; These are all thing taking from the internet to let you know what they all claim we all ready knew. Chapter 65:13 99th revelation of Muhammed the Comforter \ redeemer sew’ratu{sura- al{the- Taleqy{the divorce *Elllahu{Allah - alledhie{He Who- ghaleqa{created- sebai{seven- semaaawe’atin{havens- we {and- mie ne{ of- al {the- erdie{earth- methlehunne{ like of them- yetenezzelu{descends- al{the- emru{command–b eynehunne{between them- lieteailemuwa e{that you may know- enne{that- Alllahe{Allah- ailaaay{on- kullie{every sjeyen{thing-qadierun{All Powerful- we{and- enne{that- Alllahe{Allah- qad{indeed-ehaata {encompasses –biekullie {all- sjeyen{things ailmena{knowledge. --- Here we read that Allah created seven havens{ gardens: 1) Firdouwse 18:108; for them who believe and do good works 2) Huld 3) Qarar 4) Me’ ah’Waay 79:42; for those who fear to stand for Allah and keep their soul from lust*53:16* 5) Na’hym Chpt. 6:128, 22:56, 26:85, 52:18 6) Darul makamah 7) Darul selaaam Chpt. 29:58, 30:8. And seven earths: 1) Africa and Middle East “Ethiopia” a.k.a.-also known as- the garden of Eden Adn. P.s. We only now for a fact that this is the fourth world. 2) North Pole 3) South Pole 4) America 5) Europe 6) Asia 7) Australia Sewratu the Believers chapter 23:18 He let us know that there are 7 ways above us. We also read that the Garden of Eden is in the middle of the planet” now you know where the expression third world comes from but it is not the third but the forth world, the chosen world”. And He sends His commando down in the Middle of it. So we also know that all revelation must come out of this erea. Let’s find out who lived there for the Books of the Bible and the Qur’an al come out of this era. The Sumerians lived in this region only they went astray and got destroyed their chosen children where saved. Faro got his last chance with Aknaton but they denied him and kill him at early age wheal with that they made shore that the time of Faro and his people had to be canceled. Ybrahim{Abraham- and Lot got saved and the new generation starts in the dessert He wanted to destroyed the children of Ysrael already but Moses talked for them, for He wanted to begin a new generation with the two children of Moses. The Qur’an talks about the generations of Hud Salih Nuh fir’auwn, all of them where destroyed because of non believe. The children Ysrael are the only one who survived, the end of the line of Adam tru the line of Muhammed, Son of { ibn- Meryeme, Moses, Abraham, Akhenatan tru Nuh tru Henoch the seventh generation after Adam, thru Seth to his father Adam. If we want to know where the Garden of Eden {Adn is, we just have to look at the Old Testimony. And follow thru step by step the words and the facts.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 01:13:32 +0000

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