1) DR. EDGAR MITCHELL, 6TH MAN ON THE MOON, FOR THE FIRST TIME, ADMITS THAT HE HAS SEEN UFO CRAFTS IN SPACE!!!!!! 2) MESSAGE FOR OUR ET VISITORS 3) WHAT IS “CONSCIOUSNESS” & THE NATURE OF OUR REALITY Attached is the most recent interview of Dr. Edgar Mitchell, recorded in mid November 2014. Edgar is one of the initial Advisory Board members of FREE, Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Edgars interview was conducted by Marc Gray, FREE Consultant, for a conference in France. Edgar speaks about all the topics associated with FREE: advanced Quantum Physics, what is “Consciousness”, and how these two advanced physics topics are related to the so-called “Paranormal” and the ET Contact Phenomena. FREE was based upon Edgar’s vision on how all of these topics are “INTERRELATED” !!!!!!!!!!!! You MUST listen to this interview. It is Edgar at his best. He is in his mid 80s and Edgar has not lost it one bit-- he is still on top of his game. Edgar talks about: 1) his background NASA 2) his knowledge of the Roswell UFO crash 3) his relationship with UFO researchers 4) his shamanic experience during his Lunar experience 5) Theory of Cosmic Unity in Ancient Traditions 7) Consciousness and advanced Quantum Physics-- the Quantum Hologram 8) Everything is connected to a Source 9) A very brief summary of the Quantum Hologram Theory of Physics. Many of Edgar’s articles on the QH theory are contained in FREE’s menu section titled “The Physics of ET Contact” experiencer.co/wordpress/?page_id=683 10) the Akashic Records is the Quantum Hologram 11) Dr. Rudy Schild, an initial founder of FREE, and his Concept of Black Holes as the “Neurons of Consciousness” 12) Can the Paranormal be explained though the Quantum Hologram? 13) Question on Plants and Animals: Answer: Animals and Plants are Intuitive (Rupert Sheldrakes theories). Intuition should be called our first sense instead of our sixth sense). There is telepathic communication between man and animals. 14) Are plants tuned into our source? Answer: Better than we can give them credit for. Edgar then provides details. Their language skills are missing 15) Works of Nicolas Tesla. He has read each and every book written by Tesla. I know that in due course we will capture his work and begin applying some of his theories. 16) Provides a brief explanation about Zero Point Energy Answer: It the fundamental energy, where the quantum hologram resides, the foundation of our reality where everything begins. 17) FREE is not my construction. But I started the Institute of Noetic Studies and Quantrek. Dr. Rudy Schild, also an Advisory Board member of FREE, is a dear friend of mine. 18) What is the relationship is between Science and Consciousness? 19) “I am heavily involved in the opening up the UFO phenomena for Disclosure.” He believes that cover-up is about MONEY. “Keep the technology for a select few to keep this covered up and I am part of the groups here in the US to open this up.” 20) Some of our most convincing experience has come from our military officers. I have spoken to many of the officers stationed at the missile silos and I have spoken to many of these officers stationed at these silos who informed me that the UFO crafts would appear frequently and dismantle all of the electronics at these sites. 21) Evidence all over the world of the UFO phenomena. Willingness of ET interference when it comes to the Earths war making possibilities. 22) Do you know what is the ET mission? Answer: I am sorry, I can not answer your question 23) My concern is that the global population is not in a sustainable path. We are over populating and over consuming. We have too many people and not enough resources to go another hundreds in the path we are taking unless we do things quite differently. I THINK THAT OUR ET VISITORS ARE WILLING TO HELP US ON THIS, TO SUSTAIN OUR CIVILIZATION, BUT WE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO BE FAR BETER KEEPERS OF OUR PLANET THAN WE HAVE BEEN UP TO THIS POINT!!!!!!!!!!! 24) Have you encountered some ETs in your life? Answer: No, not personally, but I would be happy for them to look me up but they have not. 25) HAVE YOU SEEN UFOS? ANSWER: YES, BUT NOTHING UP CLOSE… IN THE AIR ABOVE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 26) HAVE YOU SEEN ANY UFO’S ON THE MOON? ANSWER: I have not but there were pictures on the back side of the moon that some claim are buildings or structures. 27) Is the moon an artificial satellite? As far as I know It is a perfectly natural stellar body. 28) DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD? ANSWER: I am a cosmologist searching for right answers to how it all began. I do not believe or disbelieve. We had an origin, I do not know how that originator began. If there is an originator that you can call God, where did God come from. I am looking for those answers like other cosmologists. 29) Question: If there is a God, where did he come from? Answer: that is exactly my question to. How did God originate? It appears that we have different Universes, and if there are different universes then we might have different physics for each universe. We have so much matter extending so far, it appears that the universe goes on forever. It is so clear to many of us that the so-called Big Bang is not the correct answer on how it all began. But we will keep working and keep looking if we can stay alive long enough 30) Do you think that interstellar travel is connected to the ESP capacities of human beings? Answere: I am sure very soon if we are kind enough and nice enough that the ETs will teach us their solution of how they go between their planets, solar systems, and galaxies and we can use their information very well. 31) Question: Finally, what would you like to tell those beings from space beings in order for them to open up a door for our evolution? DO YOU HAVE A MESSAGE FOR THESE ETS? Answer: Yes. The message is lets take care of our planet like you take care of your children and keep it going because at this moment we do not have any other place else to go. If we last long enough, we can find a place to go when our star system finally burns out but right now we dont have that long to wait right now. https://youtube/watch?v=bJhJOCOgccM&feature=youtu.be TO LEARN MORE ABOUT FREE, VISIT OUR WEBSITE: [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 01:36:51 +0000

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