1. Dont tell that both son and father are same. If both are - TopicsExpress


1. Dont tell that both son and father are same. If both are same it should also same if father sleeps with sons wife and son sleeps with fathers wife.(Astagfirullah). 2. Who took Jesus(PBUH) up when the crucifixion happens? If your answer is Father. Then the father should be the God. If so ,then accept the truth that Jesus(PBUH) is a human being.And that father is the super power,is none than Allah (SWT). If you say, Jesus(PBUH) is God ,then why did he suffer until the crucifixion. Why didnt he shown the miracle and destroy there and then itself infront of all the people claiming he is God. He suffered until crucifixion,because from early ages, for every prophet ,the enemies always harassed in the same way how the enemies harrassed the Jesus(PBUH) while his era of prophecy and obviously all the prophets are human being, so sufferred. 3. Jesus(PBUH) is bowing down and praying as per the below line. And he (Jesus) went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed...-(MATTHEW 26:39). Whom do he bowing down? whom do he praying? Dont tell that he is bowing to himself.It is a big ridicule. 4. Dont tell the muslims as hypocrite ,because we says that the bible got corrupted for multiple times and we quote from it. That means you are indirectly accepting that it is corrupted. If you think Bible is not corrupted ,stand on the sayings of the bible with confidence and agree it. 5. It is told in Bible about the arrival of the last prophet Muhammed(PBUH) and his sayings will be existing forever to follow. Observe the below saying of Bible. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever Note:- that he may abide with you forever. Forever means the last prophet. It is clear from 14:16 that the source thought there were sendings of two Paracletes, Jesus and his successor, the one following the other (The Gospel of John a Commentary, Rudolf Bultmann, p. 567) 6.Jesus(PBUH) is a prophet, read the below. ...This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. (Matthew 21:11) and ..Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people (Luke 24:19:). 7. You christian people says, Jesus will take care of all the sins of his children and saves them. See the answer:- Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that the unscrupulous had altered the words of Jesus (peace be upon him). He taught that no one will be held accountable by God for anyone elses sin. He emphasized that God has made this a life of work and the next life one of reward and no work. He also revealed that mankind will be judged individually according to their own individual faith and actions and no one elses. 8. Why the so called God(as per christians) Jesus(PBUH) came on to the earth only during his era,but not earlier?If at all he is god, cant he control from the up? can he only control his creations by coming on to the earth? If he wants to control from UP, did clouds are obstacles for him? 9. Christianity ends with Jesus(PBUH) ascended and the arrival of Muhammed(PBUH) era started. 10. Christians are not christians in between the duration of Jesus era started and ended. They are considered as muslims who followed him during his era. And muslims are those who followed their prophets sayings. And now the last prophet is Muhammed(PBUH), so whoever follows his sunnath/sayings, they are the muslims and remaining all non-muslims. Because the non muslims never follows the sayings of prophets starting from the Adam(PBUH). 11.The most knowledgeable Christians recognize the Paraclete as Muhammad.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:58:17 +0000

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