1 February 2011 at 10:04 America is destoying herself. We have to - TopicsExpress


1 February 2011 at 10:04 America is destoying herself. We have to get rid of the socialists and Islamists in our country. Obama himself is a socialist, and said he would side with the Muslems. Islam should be outlawed in America, it is a totalitarian ideology that seeks to take over our country, and instill its Sharia law on everyone not Muslem. Besides who wants a so-called religion of peace that wants to murder them, or make them second class citizens? Pure Insanity. Obama himself is a socialist, and said he would side with the Muslems. Look at the textbooks our children read, they make Islam sound good. They dont tell the whole truth, and why? Saudi dollars pay American publishers to print them and have their say. This is brainwashing our kids. Islam has infiltrated all aspects of American society. They are in our government. Do you really want a Muslem making policy for you, when there true goal is to take over America, and the world, instill Sharia on everyone that is not Muslem and make them a second class citizen, or worse murder them? Islam wants to take down the two bastions of democracy, Israel and the USA. There are two ways to do this, one is by terrorism. The other is by trying to use our own laws against us, as in religeous freedom. Well, I am sick of cow-towing to Islam. Islam is trying to restore the Ottoman Empire again. Its goals have not changed. All this talk about democratic elections in Islamic countries is just show, in some elections, but the outcome will be Islamic Theocracies. Look at how Islamic Theocracies are spreading. Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and watch how North Africa will follow suit. Iran should be taken out. If Iran nukes Saudi Arabia, then it will lead the Middle East. We need OIL. And we have it. Why cant we drill on our own land? And why should we be part of the UN giving money to these Islamic countries who are against us and Israel and spreading Islam to South America? Terrorists are coming in our back door through Mexico. Our Government is not prosecuting them. What do you think the Mosque by 9/11 represents? Islamic domination. I say no more Mosques. The next thing they will want is their own Sharia courts, just like in Europe. We should learn hard lessons from Europe. There biggest problem is Islam and their economies right now. China, Russia, and Islamic countries are trying to undermine the US and Israel. You cannot trust Communists, Socialists, nor Muslems. In fact, it is ok to lie to infidels according to the Koran, Islams holy book. Is that reason enough to fight for our constituton? We need to put pressure on our representatives. This is it folks, we fight or we become serfs. Or worse. You decide. And becareful when you listen to the media, Saudi dollars own most of it. November 26 at 9:06pm Adele Bloom-This Lady lives in Tampa, Florida where the Muzzies run rampant.. all over the place..
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:59:56 +0000

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