1.First woman in space: Valentina Terchshova. 2.The book - TopicsExpress


1.First woman in space: Valentina Terchshova. 2.The book Revolution 2020 is authored by: Chetan Bhagat 3.First man to reach the south pole: Adamson 4.Famous Jama Masjid at srinagar was built by : Sultan Sikandar 5.The author of ‘’A suitable Boy’’: Vikram Seth 6.Chilka lake is located in : Orissa 7.Jhelum rises from: Verinag 8.Latitude of Tropic of cancer is: 23.50 9.Transistors were used in: 2nd Generation of Computers 10.Sound waves are: Longitudinal Waves 11.The president of World bank visited India on March 1 1-13, 2013 is: Jim Yong Kim 12.Law of Inertia is : First law of Newton 13.Fallacious mean: Unreal 14.Endurance synonym is: Persistence 15.If You reverse the word DISTURBANCE which word remains at the same place: R 16. Headquarters of SAARC are located in: Kathmandu 17.Currency of Japan: Yen 18.Joystick, Scanner etc are: Input devices 19.ALU means: Arithmetic and Logical unit 20.Correct form of Email is xyz@xmail 21.BCC in Email means: Blind Carbon Copy 22.Mass of Atom is determined by : Protons & Neutrons 23.Tocopherol is the another name for: Vitamin E 24.The United Nations system is based on following organs: 5(previously it was 6) 25.Folic Acid is: Vitamin B 26.Rate of change of distance per unit time: acceleration 27.Acceleration has the unit of : m/s2 28.Hill of Hari Parbat has the shrine of: Makhdoom Sb.(r.a) 29.J&k State RTI came into force: March 2009 30.Indus Water Treaty happened in : 1960 31.Green House gases are: Transparent to light but absorb heat(infra red radiations) 32.Global coolant is: Aerosol(because they prevent the sunlight reaching the earth and help in cloud assembly) 33.The theory of relativity was given by: Albert Einstein 34.The autotrophic organisms are: which produce food ‘of their own with sunlight and CO2 35.The process by whichCO2 is returned back to environment : respiration of biota 36.Water is polar because: it carries partial positive and negative charge(D option) 37.Density of water is: 1g/cm3 38.Bological Nitrogen fixation means: the process of capturing atmospheric nitrogen by the organism in soil 39.Catalyst convertor in vehicles: Removes harmful waste and decreases pollution 40.Central Statistical Organization formed in: 1951 41.ENIAC machine was invented b: John Mauchly and J. Presper 42.Lessajous figures are meant for determining: Speed of sound 43. The indicates of pollution are: Lichens 44.Amritsar treaty: Gulab Singh 45.Founder of Karkota Dynasty in Kashmir: Durlabhavardhana 46.Origin of Chinab river: Lahaul(Himalayan Countour) 47.First War of Independence: 1857 48.Emphasis on Human development Started in: 8th Five year plan 49. Installed Capacity of Uri 1 is: 480MW 50. The first fortification of Hari Parbat was constructed by: Akbar 51.Mansbal is famous for: Lotus 52.Meithei language is spoken in: Manipur. 53.The Planning Commission chairman is: Prime Minister 54.Capital of Orissa: Bhubaneshwar 55.Commercial unit of electrical energy: KiloWatt- hour 56.Tagore Award 2012 was given to: Ravishankar 57.ASEAN contains: 10 members and 2 observer countries 58.Energy Mix means: total fuel content of country 59.First Indian to win Gold medal in common wealth games, : Milkha Singh(1958) with liela ram 60. Not part of Olympic games: Cricket 61.Blood relation: answer is Cousin 62.Blood relation: pointing towards a man, a person said that he is the son of my niece. How is speakers daughter related to man: Aunt 63.Rabi crops are: wheat, Mustard, soyabean etc 64.Two trains moving at 45km/h and 65 km/h in the same direction meet after 2 min 10 second. However if they cross each other, then they will meet after: 8 seconds 65.The molecule which resists most organic solvents and is formed after oxidation when volatile: PolyAcrylNitrate(PAN) 66.Modulation and demodulation of frequencies is done by: Modem 67.Translator between Operating system and Harware: Driver 68.Internet Browser is: Mozilla Firefox 69.To securely send and receive data over internet: https 70.Osmoregulation means: regulations of H2o level in our body 71.Tourism round the year: Vashinov Davi Temple 72.Jammu and Kashmir has climatic zones: Tropical Jammu, Temperate Kashmir, Cold Arid Ladakh) 73.If DCSRGF codes for CDRSFG, what does JINMQP stands for: IJMNPQ 74.Strait between England and France: Strait of Dover 75.Pyruate is converted into CO2 in : Mitochondria 76.Coliform(bacteria) presence in water means: pollution due to human excreta 77.Which reaction happens inside the Sun: Nuclear fusion 78.Incorrect statement: Liquids/gases don’t flow 79.A man travels 2 km to the east then turns right and walks next 3 km, turns his right and walks 4 km. what is his position with respect to initial position: South-West 80. …..the beauty: Feel 81.awe-inspiring views, ‘’awe’’ here means: speechless 82.Article 356: President rule 83.A man walks 5m to the east, turns right and walks 12m, turns right again and walks 10m. what is the shortest distance of the man from the initial position: 13m(hint use directions NSEW Pythagoras theorem) 84.Red wavy line under a word in Microsoft Word means: Spelling Mistake 85.India’s longest transport tunnel is located in: the Pir Panchal Tunnel (It is 11.2 kilometer long and also has also been named Qazigund-Banihal Railway Tunnel or T-800) 86.Function key for editing in Spreadsheet/MS Excel: F2 87.For new PPT in Powerpoint presentation, shortcut key is: Ctrl+N 88.The device in which magnetic tape is used for producing audio: audio recorder(?) 89.Efficiency of Laser printer is determined by: Paper per minute (ppm) [Info. Laser printer prints more than 20 ppm] 90.Photosensitive unit of Laser printer which prints letters and images by fixing toner to the paper by heat and pressure is called: Drum 91.Chapter III of RTI 2009 says: Constitution of State Information Commission 92.A persistent rise in the price purchase levels of goods and services leading to the fall in the currency’s purchasing power: Inflation 93.If Voltage is 40 Volts and resistance is 100, then current is: 0.4 ampere (use V=IR) 94.Conversion of gas into liquid: Condensation 95.India Today is………..magazine: weekly 96.Main sustainable cropping season in India is: Rabi (info. Kharief crop production fluctuates more because of monsoons, Rabi crops show persistent increase in yield, year after year) 97.……are the people who: there (In passage) 98.‘’Who’’ in above sentence mean: The people 99.The judge said, ‘’call the accused’’: the judge ordered 100.It took her 11 hours to reach here by air. She….be tired: might 101. Fashion magazine: Verve 102 Archery National Sport - Bhutan 103 First indutrial policy resoltion - 1956 104 Kandla EPZ - 1965 105 signed Indus treaty from Pakistan side: Ayub Khan. 106 Open Source: It refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use, edit and/or modification from its original design(info. e.g Android). 107. Guajarati language is from which family: Indo Aryan. 108. King known for many engineering constructions in Kashmir in Kashmir: Raja Avantivarman. 109. J&K RTI act provides for setting out the regime of right to information for the people of state in order to provide: Transparency and Accountability. 110. Article 356 and 357 were extended to J&K in December 1964 111: Which Oceanography medal ispresented every 3 years and carries prize of $ 15,000: Alexander Agassiz. 112. Abinav Bindra is associated with: Shooting. 113.Type of government where king/emperor or a queen/emperess who inherits their position from their family: Monarchy. 114. Which type of government wants the privatization of market economy: Capitalist. 115. Archery is the national sport of: Bhutan. 116. Who took as the governor of RBI on 4 Sept.2013: Raguram Rajan. 117. Sahita academy award for bodo language in 2012: Guneswar Musahary. 118. Jananpith award 2012: Ravuri Bharadwaja 119. Vitamin deficiency that causes weak bones in children: Vitamin D. 120. The word which explains the similarity or difference of waves: phase. 121. Energy stored in organic matter: Biomass. 122. In Microsoft Word the extra space, where you plan on binding your document, is provided by: Gutter 123. The function is Microsoft office by which multiple documents are produced from single template: Mail Merge. 124. Parts of computer that can touched are called:Hardware 125. Memory that needs constant refressing: DRAM. 126. [In passage] Lofty heads’ refers to? Mountain peaks. 127. [Inpassage] Hurdles means? : The difficult path. 128. They waited with ‘bated breath’ before the announcement of the winner. ‘bated breath’ means: Suspense. 129. Is this… clue to…solution?: a, the. 130. He.....by the road when the boy.....into the river: Was walking, Fell. 131. This edition has....introduction by....author: An, The. 132. Synonym of unabridged: Uncondensed. 133. We got....loan from the bank: a. 134. Find next in the series 1,4,13,40,121….....: 364. 135. Find the missing number 1,7,4,8,7,9,10,...…,13: 10 136. Find the next number 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,12,13, …..: 17. 137. TXS, RVW, PTV,…....:NRZ. 138. On marking correctly one question a boy gets 5 marks and 2 marks are deducted on marking a wrong response. He attempted 85 questions but got 285 marks. How many did he mark correctly? : 65 139. if XMKIV means TIGER,how can PONG be written: MLKC. 140. All boys are intelligent. No girl is boy: (use ven diagram). 141. All honest people are happy. Some people are dishonest : Use ven diagram. 142. All busses are trains. No train is a car: No car is a train, No bus is a car 143. Complete the series TIE, WIJ, ZIO, ? : CIT. 144. Complete the series: ZYLN, WVIK, TSFH, ? : QPCE. 145. Complete the series: HOLE, LLPB, PITY, ? :TFXV.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 12:56:39 +0000

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