1. Full Name: Amber (Ga-Kwun) Lai 2. Nickname: amsterbunny, - TopicsExpress


1. Full Name: Amber (Ga-Kwun) Lai 2. Nickname: amsterbunny, ambora, amberbunny, hamster, amster, Bambi, Amsterdam, amberlamps, strawberry cheeks, ante meridian 3. Elementary School: spring hill ♡ 4. Tall/short: short :/ 5. Sweats/Jeans: jeans 6. Apple/Orange: Orange 7. Do you have a crush: nope 8. Eat or Drink: eat 9. Piercings: ears 10. Pepsi or Coke: nah dont like soda but Pepsi if I have to choose Have you ever… 11. Been in an airplane? Too many times 12. Been in a relationship? With my body pillow 13. Been in a car accident? Nope 14. Been in a fistfight? Nope but Ill take someone on 15. Fallen in love? Ive fallen but not in love what is love 16. Celebrated Halloween? Of course 17. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? Nope 18. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Yesss 19. Eaten a whole pizza? No closest Ive gotten was 4 slices 20. Done something you regretted? Everyday 21. Broke a promise? Sorry to say yes 22. Hid a secret? Whats a secret if it aint hidden 23. Pretend to be happy? Story of my life? 24. Lost glasses or contacts? Uhh yeah 25. Sneaked out? Nope Imma good kid 26. Held a gun-knife for self-defense? Nope 27. Broke someone’s heart? Uhh have I? I hope not 28. Been in love? Again what is love 29. Been arrested? Again Im a good kid Firsts and Lasts 30. First piercing: Uhh 2 years ago 31. First best friend: hm honestly cant remember some girl in Sweden named Amelia? 32. First award: hm Chinese School Award for smth 33. First crush: some jap kid 34. First word: mama 35. First injury: burned myself with a falling rice cooker 36. First vacation: Hong Kong ♡ 37. First kiss: mom ily 38. First sport you joined: surfing... The interweb 39. First time arrested: for the last time Im a good kid 40. Last person you talked to in person: my dad 41. Last person you texted: Andrew Turner 42. Last friend you watched a movie with: Eiko Yahashi Kevin Wang Daniel Kim I think or else I just have bad memory 43. Last food you ate: local beef sirloin 44. Last movie watched in theaters: maze runner 45. Last song you listened to: some minecraft my bro was listening to 46. Last thing you bought: a sweatshirt 47. Last person you hugged: my bro 48. Last beverage: water 49. Last phone call: my mom 50. Last kiss: my mom 51. Last laugh: just now Favorites 52. Food: almost everything 53. Drink: depends 54. Flower: idk wut its called but I have pictures 55. Animal: bunnies but as long as its cute i like it 56. Color: I like all colors just not all shades 57. Place: that balcony thing in my hotel in santorini 58. Movie: cant decide 59. Subject: depends Your future 60. Want kids? Yup 61. Want to get married? Yup 62. Career: no idea Which is better in the opposite gender? 63. Lips or eyes: eyes ⊙__⊙ 64. Shorter or taller: taller which isnt hard U less U Jane She 65. Romantic or spontaneous: uhhh idk?? 66. Hook-up or relationship: relationship 67. Looks or personality: both Do you believe in…? 68. Yourself: nah Im working on it 69. Miracles: hm maybe 70. Love at first sight: nah I dont trust anyone 71. Santa: nope 72. Forever and Always: yea Truthfully…? 73. Is there one person you want to be with right now? No one specifically 74. Who are your real friends? Hmm idk they could secretly be ninjas and trying to kidnap me 75. Last time you cried: this morning 76. Who is your best friend? Christopher Tran 77. Who do you trust the most? My parents except for when they scare me Would you rather…? 78. Live one 1000-year life or 10 100-year lives? 10 100-year lives 79. Have hiccups for the rest of your life or feel like you need to sneeze and not actually sneeze for the rest of your life? Hiccups 80. Always have Cheetos fingers or always feel like there’s a popcorn kernel stuck in your throat? Does always having Cheetos fingers mean I always have smth to sorta eat? 81. Go to Hogwarts and still be a Muggle, or live in a Pokémon world, but only catch Magikarps? Pokemon!!! Cuz I can be the very best with an army of magikarp a and gyradoses In 2014 have you: 82. Made a new friend?: yesh 83. Met someone who changed you? Humans have no effect on me 84. Found out who your true friends were? Uh maybe? 85. Found out someone was talking about you? Ofc 86. Done anything you regretted? Like I said everyday 87. Lost someone you loved? Yes 88. How do you feel? Full 89. Did you sing today? I sing everyday 90. Are you having a real conversation with someone? Does saying hi back and forth count? 91. Listening to something? Nature 92. Are you doing anything beside this? Whistling 93. Are you wishing that you could go back in time and change something you did today? Hmm sure 94. Are you thinking about someone special? Nah 95. Do you believe in God? Gods of Olympus count right? 96. Do you believe in angels? Yes Cuz Im one 3:) 97. Do you believe in heaven? Yup 98. What are you doing? This 99. Are you amazed that you actually made it to 99 questions? Nah Kk UR turn Jellianafred Pritchard Chris it aint letting me tag u again so
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 02:22:51 +0000

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