1. Full name - Ashleigh Mariah Stevenson 2. Nickname - Ash, - TopicsExpress


1. Full name - Ashleigh Mariah Stevenson 2. Nickname - Ash, Ashles, Leigh, Miss Ashleigh, Tink 3. Hair color- Blonde 4. Tall or short - Eh... Short 5. Sweats or jeans - Jeans 6. Orange or apple - Apple 7. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes, very much so. 8. Eat or drink - Drink 9. Piercings - Ears. :P 10. Pepsi or coke - Pepsi Have you ever... 11. Been in an airplane ? Yes 12. Been in a relationship? Yes 13. Been in a car accident ? No... 14. Been in a fist fight ? Nope. :) Firsts & lasts 15. First piercing - Ears. Pierced them myself. :P 16. First best friend- Bree Schaaff 17. First award - Most artistic. 18. First crush - My first crush was Jackson in 1st grade. lol 19. First word - Mommy 20. Last person you talked to in person - Dani. :) 21. Last person you texted - Tom 22. Last friend you watched a movie with - Tom lol 23. Last food you ate - Piece of dove chocolate. :) 24. Last movie you watched in theaters - R.I.P.D 25. Last song you listened to - Marianas Trench By Now 26. Last thing you bought- Gas. :P 27. Last person you hugged - Alicia! :3 Favorites 28. Food ? - Chocolate 29. Drink ? - Diet Coke 30. Flower ? - Tiger Lily 31. Animal ? - Cat :3 32. Color ? - Red, Teal, Black 33. Place ? - My Bed 34. Movie ? - Tangled :3 35. Subject ? - English Have you ever 36. Fallen in love with someone? - Yes. 37. Celebrated Halloween? - All the damn time. 38. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? - Unlimited, baby. :P 39. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? - ALL THE TIME. 40. Eaten a whole pizza ? - Guilty as charged... Munchies. ;) 41. Did something you regret? - Actually... No. 42. Broke a promise? - Yes... 43. Hid a secret? - Hiding some now. 44. Pretend to be happy ? - Once... But never again. Your future... 46. Want kid ? - Yes, I want Three. :) Krisephanie, Alec, and Cambria 47. Want to get married? - Yes! To a man that can tollerate me for the rest of my life. 48. Carrier ? - I want to work as a writer for Disney and a writer of Romance Novels while also being a super mom and successful wife. Dream big. :P Which is better in the opposite gender? 49. Lips or eyes - Lips. 50. Shorter or taller - Taller.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 07:20:26 +0000

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