1. Full name? Brianna Marie Samples 2. Nickname? Bri 3. Birthday? - TopicsExpress


1. Full name? Brianna Marie Samples 2. Nickname? Bri 3. Birthday? July 10th 2001 4. Elementary school? Rymfire, Bunnel, Lewis && Clark, Westside 5. Skirt or jeans? Jeans 6. Facebook or twitter? Facebook 7. Ps3 or xbox? Xbox 8. Tall or short? Tall 9. Sweats or jeans? Both 10. Orange or apple? Orange 11. Tv or book? Tv 12. Eat or drink? Eat 13. Piercing(s) ears 14. Pepsi or coke? None 15. Monster or rockstar? Monster Have u ever? 16. Been in a airplane? Yes 17. Been in a relationship? Yes 18. Been in a car accident? No 19. Been in a fist fight? No First & last 20. First piercing? Ear 21. Bestfriend? Madison Bailey 22. First Award? 59 or something sit ups 23. First love? ... 24. First word? Idk 25. Last person talked to in person marria 26. Last person you texted? Seth Seth Beverly 27. Last friend u watched a movie with? Marria 28. Last food u ate? Bread 29. Last movie u watched in theaters? Wolverine 30. Last song u listened to? Scary monsters and nice sprites skrillex 31. Last thing u bought? Shirts 32. Last person u hugged? My dad Favorites? 33. Food? I have lots 34. Drink? Water 35. Flower? .... 36. Animal? Tiger 37. Color? Blue 38. Place? Idk 39. Movie? I have alot 40. Subject? Idk
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 10:23:43 +0000

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