1. Full name: Mackenzie paige willing 2. Nickname: kenzie , mack - TopicsExpress


1. Full name: Mackenzie paige willing 2. Nickname: kenzie , mack 3. Zodiac sign: i dont know lol 4. Male or female: female obviously 5. Elementery school: adams school 6. High school:will be going to quincy senior high 7. College of your dreams: Juliard school of preforming arts in new york city 8. Hair color: blonde, brown and a little black 9. Tall or short: short 10. Sandles or sneakers:sneakers 11. Sweatpants or jeans:jeans 12. Phone or camera:phone 13. Clean freak:nope not at all lol 14. Orange or apple:apple 15. Have a girlfriend/boyfriend:nope 16. Eat or drink: both 17. Eye color: blue 18. Pepsi or coke: coke HAVE YOU EVER.! 19. Been in a airplain:yes 20. Been in a relationship:yes 21. Been in a car accident:yes 22. Been in a fist fight:no but very close to one FIRST AND LAST.! 23.First piercingmy ears when i was like 4 or 5 24.First real boyfriend/girlfriend: in 6th grade 25.First pet: a dog 26.First kiss: in 7th grade 27.First word:ahhhh i have no clue haha:) 28.Last book you read: dark flame by: alyson noel 29.Last person you talked to in person: Erin Quenon 30.Last person you texted: Seth McLernon 31.Last person you watches a movie with:Erin 32.Last food you ate: mashed potatos 33.Last movie you watched: G.I. Joe 2 34.Last song you listened to: Night train 35.Last thing you bought: tickets at the kc lol 36.Last person you hugged: Erin FAVORITE.! 37.Food: everything besides the food that i dont lol 38.Drink: Dr. Pepper 39.Bottoms: shorts 40.Top:hoodies 41.Animal:zebra 42.Color:ice blue and lime green 43.Movie: Bada$$ 44.Subject:ahhh math HAVE YOU EVER.! 45.[] Gotten baptized 46.[x]Celebrated halloween 47.[x]Had your heart broken 48.[x]Went through old texts in your phone 49.[x]Been grounded 50.[x]Hacked someones facebook 51.[x]Been to Six Flags 52.[] Been out of the country 53.[x]Did something you regret 54.[x]Broke a promise 55.[x]idden a secret 56.[x]pretended to be happy 57.[x]met someone who changed your life 58.[x]Pretended to be sick 59.[] Met someone famous 60.[x]Tried something you wouldnt normally try and liked it 61.[x]Cried over the silliest thing 62.[] Gone to the beach with your bestfriend 63.[x]Gotten into an argument with your friend 64.[x]Been to a concert 65.[x]Dated someone CURRENTLY.! 66.Thinking about: nothing cause im lame lol 67.Eating: nothing 68.Drinking:sweet tea 69.Listening to:i want crazy hunter haze 70.Talking to: seth 71.Plans for today:staying with my grandparents:) 72.Waiting for: school to start so tierd of summer YOUR FUTURE.! 73.Want kids: NOOOOO.!!!! i got 4 brothers a 2 sisters im good for a lifetime:) 74.Want to get married: someday:)! 75.Career: become a professonal singer.! 76.Nice or hot: nice but you can always throw in a little hotness haha 77.Shorter or taller:taller 78.Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous 79.Tough or sweet: both 80.Texts or calls: both 81.Looks or personality:personality 82.Hook-up or relationship: relationship duhh HAVE YOU EVER.! 83.Lost your phone:yes all the time 84.Snuck out of the house:nope and im not planning on it 85.Had a knife/gun for self defence: nope 86.Killed someone:Yes.! but i dont think video games count haha 87.Broken somebodies heart:i dont know i hope nnot 88.Smoked:yes but i regret it all....:/ 89.Cried when someone/something died:yes.! DO YOU BELIEVE IN.! 90.Yourself: i mean sometimes 91.Maricals: i dont know ive never seen one 92.Love at first sight: i dont know its never happend to me before 93.Heaven:YES.! big time 94.Dreams coming true:only if you work towards them.! 95.Respecting your elders:yes you wouldnt be here if it wasnt for them 96.Kiss on the first date: never TRUTHFULLY.! 97.Is there anyone you want to be with right now?: i dont know its really none of your business haha 98.Do you know hwo your real friends are.?: yesi do Brelyn Cawthon and Erin Quenon 99.Do you believe in God.?: yes he made the choice to give us life:)
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 02:04:19 +0000

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