#1 HIJACKER OF ALL TIME: HIJACKS THE OVAL OFFICE! AMERICANS NEED TO STAND TOGETHER AND FIGHT! TO GET THE BEST UNDERSTANDING OF HOW OBAMA ASCENDED TO THE HIGHEST OFFICE ON THE PLANET WITHOUT EVEN POSSESSING THE MOST BASIC REQUIREMENT TO DO SO, IT WOULD HELP TO READ THE FOLLOWING: THE BEGINNING: Valerie Jarrett Exposed How & Why Behind Obama’s Rise to the Presidency An Open Letter To “President” Soetoro-Obama Congress NOT Needed – Arrest Obama For Impersonating an Official President Obama likes to pretend his blatant acts of lawlessness were forced from the “do nothing Congress.” Fact is stranger than fiction. It seems like every lawless action was COLDLY AND METICULOUSLY CALCULATED, even from as far back as when he was a “COMMUNITY ORGANIZER” in Chicago. Thanks to the New York Post and research, we can see that this was not a spontaneous act, but a calculated decent into lawlessness that was planned all a long. Consider what he wrote on page 276 of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” reflecting on his decision to study law: “I had things to learn in law school, things that would help me bring about real change. I would learn power’s currency in all its intricacy and detail, knowledge that I could now bring back to where it was needed… bring it back like Promethean fire.” (New York Post) They are correct. It does seem, in reading through the documents (like Dreams from My Father) that we do know and can see that he thinks he is a modern-day Prometheus. He seems to be driven on an agenda to “steal” laws from what he considers the “oppressive” Founding Fathers to benefit the “poor and downtrodden oppressed people” of the world. (Quotations come from President Obama’s past writings, before becoming Senator.) It is almost like he wants to be remembered as a Robin Hood of law. READ ON…
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:30:01 +0000

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