1. Hi Im a first time mummy and am wondering what age is the - TopicsExpress


1. Hi Im a first time mummy and am wondering what age is the average age when their babies slept through? My baby boy is already sleeping up to 7 hours at night. Not so much day time, only napping for up to an hour or so, but Im not worried as he puts on an average 250 gram each week. Just curious. 2. When would you/did you start gently teaching your baby no and how? (My almost 6 month old DS has recently started scratching, screaming without reason and just being generally cheeky at times) I know hes just being a baby but I would like to know if I would be doing him and myself any favours by gently trying to nip things in the bud now. I feel like if I let him get away with it now and then suddenly start saying no to him in a few months he may get confused as to why scratching was ok 2 months ago but not anymore... 3. My son will be 12 months when my second will be born. My first was formula fed but Im truly hoping to be able to breastfeed for my second, only expressing to make sure both breasts are empty and so that my husband doesnt miss out on that experience. Has anyone else breastfed while having such a short age gap? Did you find you were able to relax and feed properly or was having another baby demanding your attention difficult? Should I express during the day and breastfeed once his brother is in bed? 4. I am currently 25 weeks pregnant with my second. I have a 2.5yr old and am so exhausted, I get up and give him breakfast, take a shower and Im ready to sleep again. I just cant get any energy at all. Is this normal? I feel like a horrible mother because I cant physically do anything right now please tell me Im not alone? 5. for those of you who cuddle/hold your baby to sleep, what age did ur little obe decide they no longer needed or wanted to be held? 6. I have 7 month old twins they were born 8 weeks early they still wake up quite a lot throughout the night does anyone have any ideas as to what can help them sleep better please 7. Have any Mummas with a Thermomix done the Lose Baby Weight Shakes/Program? I would like to use the shakes but would still like to be able to use Thermie for evening meals etc. 8. I just wondered what (if any) finger foods i can give my 6 month old who hasnt got teeth yet?
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:26:11 +0000

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