1. Hi all! As usual, here are my Thoughts from Sunday Homily, as - TopicsExpress


1. Hi all! As usual, here are my Thoughts from Sunday Homily, as delivered by Rev Fr George Ehusani! Be blessed!!! 2. God constantly surprises us & demonstrates that we can never know Him too well. Dont treat God as if you have Him in your pocket 3. Gods ways cannot be questioned because they transcend and contradict our own ways 4. He is a God of SURPRISES and is greater than what we can imagine. So, however far one strays, when he returns in REPENTANCE, he finds MERCY 5. There are NO LIMITS to Gods pardon as our ways are not His ways (Is 55:6-7) & the parable of the Prodigal Son demonstrates this 6.When one thinks he has gotten hold of God & how He operates, such a person will be proved wrong for Gods way is different from ours 7. DONT PRESUME TO KNOW HOW GOD FUNCTIONS!!! 8. Our God creates out of nothing, brings the dead to life, raises the lowly & pulls down the mighty. Thats HIS WAY 9. Left for humans, God can only remain among a select few but Jesus came & taught the ABUNDANCE & UNIVERSALITY of Gods love 10. Through parables,Jesus shows a God who has a preferential option for the poor,the late comer,lost sheep,lost coin,lost son & repentant children 11. The VIPs in Gods banquet are those whom society despises. Noone is an outcast in Gods presence. The only condition is REPENTANCE 12. REPENTANCE is a condition by God for us to enter His presence & it can be met by ALL. When it occurs, it lightens Gods heart 13. In the logic of God, the early comers have no monopoly of Gods graciousness (Parable of the Labourers- Matt 20:1-16) 14. There is a REVERSAL OF FORTUNE where the FIRST (religious & political elite, pious, scribes and teachers of the law) become LAST (poor, widows, orphans, lepers, dejected, outcasts) 15. We need to recognize that the God revealed by the prophets operates along parameters completely different from ours 16. If we consider what a human mentor would do and not what Jesus would do, it may not be according to Gods way 17. Gods ways are characterized by LOVE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, COMPASSION, GRACIOUSNESS & GENEROUSITY 18. God is Slow to Anger, Rich in Graciousness and Abounding in Mercy (Ex 34:6) 19. Keeping a record of wrong doing is an evidence of a heart that is not GENEROUS 20. Jesus parable of the Labourers is the most provocative of His parables because it REVERSES THE ORDER OF THINGS 21. Jesus turns things upside down, subverts the established order and reversed the status quo 22.Gods justice differs & transcends human justice. It extends beyond boundaries of strict distributive justice- giving each his due 23. Gods justice is saturated with His love & compassion which reach out CREATIVELY & GENEROUSLY to look for those who are oppressed 24. It is time for our leaders to look at the LOGIC & JUSTICE of God & organize our society. PEACE IS BUILT ON JUSTICE. And when a society is organized such that the winner takes all, such a people can never have PEACE. The RIGHT TO LIFE should have a MEANS TO SUSTAIN LIFE! 25. According to the world, First shall be First and Last,Last but with God, the story is completely different 26. Gods justice takes into account the greater need of the people. He knows that those who came at the 11th hour didnt find work earlier, not because they were lazy. Yet, they have the same need to earn a living for themselves & their families. Thereby, God supplies their basic need 27. Gods logic is not a Marketplace logic. His generosity is one that makes many furious, because they dont understand it 28. Our God wants to give everyone who comes to him LAVISHLY & BOUNTIFULLY, as long as they show up before the end of the day 29. Matt 20:15- The Masters words: WHY BE ENVIOUS BECAUSE IM GENEROUS is a warning: -Not to set limits to Gods generosity. Let God be God; -Not to crave for rewards because they are not the purpose for service in His Vineyard; -Not to classify people into clearcut categories; -To always take Gods generosity as our model in relating with our neighbours if we desire to be part of His kingdom 30. God doesnt give up on any group or people as quickly as we often do...Im grateful that God will NEVER give up on me 31. Scriptures for Reflection- Ezekiel 18:23-29, Psalm 103:8, Luke 15:1-37, Luke 19:1-10, John 8:3-11, Isaiah 55:8-9, Matt 9:13 32. Thats it folks! Thoughts on Gods Generosity & Justice! In celebrating #InternationalPeaceDay, lets also pray for Justice in our land. 33. Also, no matter how far you think youve strayed, just know He is waiting for you to COME BACK HOME! Thank God for His mercy!!! 34. Have a blessed, fruitful and favoured week ahead and may Gods perfect will be done in our lives, Amen!!! PEACE!!!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:21:27 +0000

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