1: Hi everyone. Im after some advice- im a type 1 diabetic have - TopicsExpress


1: Hi everyone. Im after some advice- im a type 1 diabetic have had for over 20 years and pregnant with my second bub. With my first i put on alot of weight probably about 30 kg which i can understand if i ate junk and large amounts of food but i always eat a healthy balanced diet! Now this time the same thing is happening im gaining weight very fast and i exercise alot i walk 8-10km 2-3 times a week and go to the gym. I just dont know what to do i feel low in myself and see other pregnant ladies that hardly gain any weight it makes me wonder whats going on with my body! Of course the only thing that matters is a healthy baby but just wish i could enjoy pregnancy feeling stressed. Oh and also had problems with my thyroid being under active but taking medication thats helping that 2: I am pregnant with my 4th little one and was wondering if throwing a baby shower/sprinkle is ok? I wouldnt expect gifts just more of a celebration to include my 3 little ones to welcome the new baby and help understand as they are all young (4, 2, 12mo) also a time to catch up with friends and family. What are peoples thoughts on baby showers after the first bub? I had one for the other 3 3: Hi, my 10 month old is super active and never ever just sits still. Its fine when we are home but Im finding when I take him to mothers group and when he is around other babies he is always in their face, grabbing at them, pulling hair and scratching. Doesnt seem in a mean way, just more curious I think. All the other babies sit and play and leave each other alone but my son is just constantly annoying everyone! All the mums seem fine with it but Im worried if it continues they will start to get over it. Also he is starting day care in a few weeks and Im worried he will do it there too and I dont want people to think he is a bully! Any tips or similar experiences please?? Thanks 4: My 4 month old daughter is suffering from wind. Shes quite unsettled a lot of the time & pops a lot! Any suggestions? Ive read that Infacol, Brauers Colic Relief, Infants Friend & Gripe Water could help? I am breast feeding her, did anyone notice certain foods they ate upset bubs? Thank you! 5: Hi my 7 mo has a little blood blister on her toe. I have no idea how wit got there but what do I do? Just leave it to pop on its own? How long will it take? Do I leave her feet uncovered. Thanks 6: Am I the only one who finds their babys amber necklace DOESNT help with teething pain? All my friends swear by it, but I cant tell a difference. 7: How do I encourage my baby who is 10 months to stop pulling everyones hair? 8: Im looking for some funky pages that make hand made baby boys outfits. Can anyone help?
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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