1. Hi mums, just after some advice on 3 year kindy, especially if - TopicsExpress


1. Hi mums, just after some advice on 3 year kindy, especially if you toddler was a shy or sensitive kid. Did it help their confidence? Did they enjoy it? My LO goes to daycare 2 days a week but is still quite shy and has always been a sensitive soul. He will he going to 3 year kindy next year and Im hoping it will help boost his confidence a bit before starting proper kindy. 2. Im wondering if anyone has any tips on getting a 23 month old to fall asleep in a bed? Theres no option of a cot anymore as we took it apart because he can climb in and out and was more interested in my bed then his cot. Now he has a toddler bed he refuses to fall asleep in it. Its been a little over a week now so I know its not that long. Currently he is faling asleep on the loumge and im carrying him to bed. Sometimes this isnt untill 11pm. I try the putting back into bed thing and it never works it seems to wire him up as he cracks himself laughing running back out.. He makes himself vomit if the door is closed also. Has anyone else had this happen? How long does it last? Im not overly worried, just super tired as i work mornings from 6am and his dad is at work till about midnight each day. 3. Where can I get proper walking shoes for my toddler that arent ridiculously expensive? 4. I was just wondering if anyone has any idea why my DS has been waking up every morning screaming. He sleeps through the nights just fine but the mornings have become quite difficult. He wakes up about 7 and will just scream and kick around from anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more. Getting him to stop is impossible. He isnt cutting any teeth at the moment either. 5. Hi all, just wanting to know if anyones bubbas had a milk allergy and if so did they grow out of it. My son is 14 months and our Dr says he may have a milk allergy. There is so much dairy in our foods... Any advice you can give me? I would be grateful as Im very worried. *Dont forget to head on over to the website to leave your reviews, link in comments* 6. Just wondering if you could post this one: hi mums and dads, when is it time to get rid of the baby car seat and upgrade? And which ones would parents recommend? Our son is almost 13kgs and is 19mths old. 7. I just have a questions for all mums regarding iPods for kids.. I am just wanting to get some feedback from parents who have purchased an iPod for the kids - my daughter is 3 and I am considering getting one for Christmas. Have parents noticed any positives and/or negatives regarding these for kids as I have noticed a few people I know have gotten one for their kids and they think its great for learning opportunities etc. 8. Hi we are thinking of moving to the Sunshine Coast and Im nervous about the move, I have two little kiddies my oldest is a happy little boy loves other kids but when he gets frustrated with other kids he can sometime lash out and have a little tantrums my point that Im trying to make I guess is Im worried his behaviour will stop other mums from wanting to start a friendship and have play dates and Ill be lonely up there as my hubby does FIFO work, has any other mums been in this situation and made loads of new friends? #toddlersleepproblems
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:53:55 +0000

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