1. I, Ms. Shirmeen Khan, DOB- 3.12.1972; D/O Mr. Ali Azam Khan of - TopicsExpress


1. I, Ms. Shirmeen Khan, DOB- 3.12.1972; D/O Mr. Ali Azam Khan of House No 49, Road No 17, Sector 14, Uttara Dhaka 1230, and Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan, DOB-18.7.1972; S/O A.S.M Hannan Shah, at present residing at House No 125, Road No 5, New DOHS, Mohakhali , Dhaka 1212, were married on 7.5.1995, according to the tenets of the 1974 (section 9) Muslim Marriage and Divorce registration laws at the Lalmatia, Nikah Registrar and Kazi office. 2. Two female children were born out of this marriage. 3. Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan mentally tortured me by using abusive language, suspecting my every move, sometimes locking me up in a room, establishing socially unacceptable relationship with an actress named Shila. 4. On 26th April 2011 he called my mother to our home in 125, New DOHS, Mohakhali , Dhaka 1212, and told her to take me away with her. He forced me to leave my home with our two daughters. Then he forced me to return to our home on the following day. 5. On 13th September 2011 he physically abused me by hitting me repeatedly on my head and face and forced me to leave my home with our two daughters. 6. Before I left the house he compelled me to sign a document, under duress, which he printed on a Tk. 100 stamp paper, stating that I was fully sane and was leaving the house of my own free will, that he was the sole legal guardian of our daughters and that I will not be able to take our daughters anywhere without his prior permission. 7. Due to an irreversible breakdown in the relationship between me and Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan, I exercised my power to divorce according to section 18 of our marriage agreement and divorced Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan on 25.9.2011 by issuing the notice of divorce through the Kazi office at Uttara (Road 1, house 2, sector 1, Uttara) and following all procedures of issuing such notice. 8. Notice of divorce was sent to Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan through registered post on 27.9.2011. The divorce was finalized as of 27.12.2011. 9. Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan has continually refused to accept the fact I am no longer his legally married wife and he is no longer my husband and as such he cannot claim to have any rights, marital or otherwise, over me. 10. In spite of the divorce Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan has continued to harass me and to threaten me with physical harm. 11. On 10.11.2011 Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan entered my Banani residence and threatened that if I did not withdraw the notice of divorce and returned to the conjugal home he would harm me and my family. 12. Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan said that he has been advised by his lawyer Mr. Bipul Bagmar that in spite of her notice of divorce he could come to my house whenever he wanted and exercise his conjugal rights over me. 13. On 11.11.2011 Mr. Shah Reazul Hannan again entered my residence and told me to withdraw the notice of divorce. When I refused to do so he became violent and broke my laptop and mobile phone. My daughter captured the destruction with the camera in her own mobile phone. 14. On 12.11.2011 he sent a message to my mobile phone saying my future is extremely bad and if I did not return to the marriage he will harm my father and brother and set their house on fire. 15. Shah Reazul Hannan said that he can do anything as he has nothing to lose and will never accept the divorce process. 16. On 13.11.2011 he phoned my sister and told her that he has filed criminal charges against me in various police stations in Dhaka and outside Dhaka. 17. To date I have not filed any charges against him in any police station as I firmly believe that no police station will accept the charges because his father is currently a senior member of the advisory committee of the Bangladesh National Party and former Jute Minister; his paternal grandfather was also a Minister. Shah Reazul Hannan is himself involved with Politics in Bangladesh; all his friends and acquaintances are very highly placed officials and police officers and are assisting him in his activities. 18. He has said that his contacts at Dhaka airport immigration will stop me from leaving the country. 19. He has also on various occasions harassed and threatening my family members and friends by phoning and texting them and warning them of very extreme consequences such as arson, grievous bodily harm and even murder if I do not return to him. He has also arrogantly and blatantly stated that no one could bring him or his father to account should they decide to carry out such acts, due to his father’s political standing. 20. Shah Reazul Hannan has sent various letters and emails to UK Border Agency to stop me from obtaining a visa to reside with my new husband. 21. He has also made complaints with SB and is stating that UK Border Agency require a report from SB about my passport. 22. I firmly believe that if I stay in Bangladesh much longer then he will carry out the acts threatened and my life will then be in severe threat of being ended. Also he has repeatedly threatened my husband and has stated that he will be killed should he come to Bangladesh. 23. I am in grave fear for my safety and that of various family members and friends. 1ta share dile apni ki moira jaiben? Please share & help me get my money back open every page & think what they are & do not delete because next time you maybe the victim, got it...This is my mob # call me if you want to know more 01726210930 proof mrs.hannan shah 01713061584 aps babul 01711459296 Hannan Shah er jamai 01713061508 Shobai to r mittha kotha bolbe na ঢাকা: এবার অর্থ জালিয়াতির অভিযোগ উঠেছে বিএনপির স্থায়ী কমিটি ঢাকা: এবার অর্থ জালিয়াতির অভিযোগ উঠেছে বিএনপির স্থায়ী কমিটির সদস্য আ স ম হান্নান শাহ’র ছেলে শাহ রিয়াজুল হান্নানের বিরুদ্ধে। জানা গেছে, তার এক নিকট আত্মীয়র কাছ থেকে ব্যবসায়ের কথা বলে ১৫ লাখ টাকা ঋণ নেন রিয়াজুল হান্নান। কথা ছিল এ টাকার বিনিময়ে ব্যবসায়ে লাভের একটি অংশ দেবেন ওমর ফারুক নামে ওই আত্মীয়কে। কিন্তু এখন লাভের টাকা তো দূরের কথা আসল টাকাই ফেরত দিচ্ছেন না হান্নান শাহ পুত্র। বরং তিনি দম্ভোক্তি করছেন, ‘আমি হান্নান শাহ’র ছেলে, তুমি পারলে আমার থেকে টাকা নিও’। হান্নান শাহ পুত্রের এসব কর্মকাণ্ডের প্রমাণ সরূপ বেশকিছু ডকুমেন্ট ঢাকা টাইমসের হাতে এসে পৌঁছেছে। কাগজ-পত্র ঘেটে এসব অভিযোগের প্রমাণ পাওয়া গেছে। এর মধ্যে বিএনপির ভারপ্রাপ্ত মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীরকে লেখা এক চিঠিতে ভুক্তভোগী ওমর ফারুক জানান তিনি শাহ রিয়াজুল হান্নানের আপন খালতো ভাই। তিনি পারিবারিক ভাবেই টাকা আদায় করতে চেয়েছিলেন। কিন্তু হান্নান শাহ’র ছেলে তাকে হুমকি-ধমকি দিয়ে উল্টো হয়রানি করছেন। চিঠিতে ওমর ফারুক অভিযোগ করেন, ‘ আমার খালু হান্নান শাহকে বিষয়টি জানালে তিনি বলেন টাকা দেওয়ার সময় আমাকে জানাও নাই কেন?’ ওমর ফারুক দাবি করেন, তাঁর ছেলে যে একজন প্রতারক হান্নান শাহ তা আগে থেকেই জানতেন। এসব বিষয়ে তিনি থানায় একটি জিডি করেছেন। মির্জা ফখরুলকে লেখা ওই চিঠি আরও বলা হয়, টাকার জন্য তাগাদা দেয়ার পর রিয়াজুল হান্নান ওমর ফারুককে দুই লাখ টাকার একটি চেক দেয়। চেকটি হান্নান শাহ’র মালিকানাধীন অকটেভ এক্সপোর্ট অ্যাণ্ড ইমপোর্ট কোম্পানির নামে দেয়া। কিন্তু ওই চেকটি বাউঞ্চ হয়। এ পরিস্থিতিতে তিনি বিএনপি চেয়ারপারসন খালেদা জিয়াকে বিষয়টি জানানোর জন্য মির্জা ফখরুলকে অনুরোধ করেন। এ ব্যাপারে জানতে চেয়ে বিএনপির স্থায়ী কমিটির সদস্য আ স ম হান্নান শাহের মুঠোফোনে যোগাযোগের চেষ্টা করা হলে তার ব্যক্তিগত সহকারী শরীফ বাবুল ঢাকা টাইমসকে জানান, ‘স্যার এখন বাসায় নেই।’ call & be sure about what I say, era khandani batper no doubt about it. facebook/media/set/?set=a.4700419236723.190596.1481458181&type=3&uploaded=34 share this if you are human News Paper cheater’s link dhakatimes24/index.php?view=details&data=Travel&news_type_id=1&menu_id=12&news_id=36541 era cheater eder k chinna rakhen my mob # call me if you want to know more 01726210930 proof mrs.hannan shah 01713061584 aps babul 01711459296 Hannan Shah er jamai 01713061508
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 12:31:17 +0000

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