1. I am after suggestions for the best sippy cups. 2. What is - TopicsExpress


1. I am after suggestions for the best sippy cups. 2. What is your routine with a 10-11 month old? Mine is Screaming at his 2nd nap around 3.30 and has stopped sleeping through till 7, waking at 6. He has 1 1/2 -2hrs around 10am. 3. My 9 month old girl has been EBF until last week when I started her on formula for her day feeds at 11 and 3, still BF morning and night. She often has none to very little formula and am worried she isnt getting enough nutrients, she is however a fantastic eater, do I keep persisting or just give up with the formula? 4. I want to start a 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 9pm feed routine with my 8wo lo. I would appreciate suggestions from those who have been there and done that. Do you put baby down to sleep between the 7pm and 9pm feeds? Has this helped with doing only one feed between 9pm and 7am? 5. just wanting to no how othee mums decided it was the right time for anither bub . My dd is 4months. Wat factors did u weigh-in. 6. Just after some other experiences! Im 32 weeks pregnant with my second. And have just got out of hospital with signs of preterm labour. Period pain and back pain ( had this with my first at 39 weeks and followed 3 days later with a quick labour) any one experienced this and gone to full term? Or delivered early? I have had steroids and Im monitoring myself from home and following doctor instruction 7. I am having trouble keeping up feeding with my 5 week old son he is breastfed but never settles for more than an hour after each feed. Just wondering what people think about mix feeding and when the best time to feed him the formula feed. 8. i have a 4 week old 4 week prem baby girl ive been breastfeeding the hole time but in the last week ive noticed she hasnt been saticfide by my milk! So today i went and brought formula and gave her a bottle and she was so happy and saticfied that she has gone for a sleep today which hasnt happend in days. I just finaly managed to express a little bit of milk ( ive been trying the whole time to express) and it looked like water from a glass of milk thats just been rinsed transusant clear white! My question is, is this normal? And dose it explain why my bubba has been so hungry?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 06:13:27 +0000

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