1. I had dating scan today and they said they couldnt see anything - TopicsExpress


1. I had dating scan today and they said they couldnt see anything there. My last period was 3/4 and I have a 33 day cycle so I think I would be about 6 weeks. Pregnancy was confirmed by blood test. Has anyone had this? 2. Just wanting to know what other mummies store their breast milk in to freeze them in meal sizes. Im heading back to work and tafe in July so bub will be going into daycare I I want to express milk and store it for him to have while there 3. Just wondering if you washed your newborns clothes before you put them on him/her? I have 2 girls and I never washed the new clothes didnt know it could be dangerous?? (If it was surely the company would say wash before use)?? Thanks everyone 4. My ds tongue tie was surgically rectified at 12.5 weeks. I am still bfeeding and I have tried EVERYTHING (pumping all day, fenugreek, acupuncture, motilium which I had allergic reaction to, drinking lots, putting bub on lots, lactation cookies) but nothing has worked and I am having to top some feeds up with formula as much as it upsets me to. Before anyone asks if Im sure bub isnt getting enough - yes I am. I have been weighing him before and after feeds for past three weeks. My supply is particularly low after lunchtime - dinner time. Are there any mums out there who have had similar experiences and managed to keep bfeeding. If so how long for? Did you have to keep pumping if so how many times a day? Did your supply ever increase? I have seen a lactation consultant and she said all I can do is keep doing what Im doing. Im exhausted of pumping during the middle of night and all day plus ds has reflux. I cant get anything else done. Im happy to keep going if there is hope my supply will increase but the lactation nurse said it probably wont. 5. Im pregnant and want to breastfed but also want to express, what bottle worked for you. I seen the new avent natural and it looks close to the way a nipple looks but then looked at the closer to nature and it looks the same. Also should i buy all the stuff for bottle feeding if i cant get milk? 6. Most likely Im going to have a c-section is it true that after surgery your left with a pouch that never goes away? Or is there a way to prevent it from happening? Thank you 7. So my 7 month old has been drooling excessively, irritable, pulling on ears, chewing everything and sleeping poorly day and night. So I checked her gums and saw two white lines/spots on the top front area. She has no teeth yet. I took her to the drs and he said they look like ulcers and prescribed nilstat oral drops, just wondering if ppl have experienced this with their little ones and it actually has been teeth? I should also mention that she had oral thrush and a cold about 10 days before they showed up. The dr ruled out chest infection, ear infection and more oral thrush. He said she was definetly teething aswell but didnt say if the ulcers have anything to do with teeth.TIA 馃槉 8. Do you remember your cervix length at your 20 week scan and if it was short (under 2.5cm) did you make it full term with out any medical intervention. #teething #csection #bottles
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 10:17:06 +0000

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