1. I love creative challenges I constantly find myself looking - TopicsExpress


1. I love creative challenges I constantly find myself looking for a new challenge 2. I suck at love :( my mind is always preoccupied by work or something :/ maybe its a defense machanisim incase they leave 3. Xa kuxatyanwa I always ask do u wanna break up? Maybe im too used to being dumped it has become my 1st instinct that I might get dumped. 4. Im very shy and quiet in person 5. Ndathandukhumsha when Im nevours jike ndikhumshe umbolo :v naxa ndicacisa I use more english 6. I hv a black accent 7. Im a Kasi boy with somewhat of a coconut way of thinking 8. I hate my theeth since I was young theyve always had invisible cracks and they chip alot :( hence I got a fish gap 9.Im a big dreamer and I dont really dream about being a millionaire I just wanna always hv money available at my disposal whenever I have a new project. 10. I suck at making friends. ndinyabile and I analyse people too much 11. I find it extremely hard to ask for real help. I learned the hard way that people will only help you to help themselves. 12. I feel uncomfortable when people do stuff for me :/ 13. Imali andiyihoyanga sendinayo ndibaCareless ngayo ibe everywhere all over the house. 14. I hardly drink andikhe ndinxanwe I just go out coz I feel like it 15 I shut down when im being confronted 16. I cry when Im really angry 17. last physical fight I had I was about 13 if you cause a scene or start a fight I walk away 18. I hate drama especially when it involves my name 19. I hate books espscially ones with just words. im a visual person id rather see a video. eskolweni if I ddnt catch it in class id never get it. I learn to understand andikwaz nkqaya 20. I dont really like uthunga I like seing my ideas come to reality . .. ..10 more fACTS COMING LATER
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 04:49:29 +0000

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