1. I was the baby of both sides of my family until Nivy Starr was - TopicsExpress


1. I was the baby of both sides of my family until Nivy Starr was born :p today I have a total of 31 first cousins....26 of those on my Kiowa side. 2. Im more Kiowa than I am Sac and Fox but Im enrolled with the SFN. 3. Im the only one of my fathers children/grandchildren that is in the Fox Clan. 4. This past month I will have lived the first 21 years of my life in Oklahoma City and the last 21 years innnnnnn Strooooooouuuud America ;) 5. My sister are 13 & 10 years older than me. 6. Ive been divorced for 11years. 7. I am a SURVIVOR of a physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive relationship. 8. I took baton twirling lessons, tap, and jaz dance lessons. 9. My high school years were not the best. I know how it feels to go from having everything to sometimes not having electric. 10. The hardest thing I ever had to do was burry my Father without crying. 11. Today I have no regrets and I am beyond happy in my own life. 12. I have a personal song. It has Ponca words and was composed by my Uncle Lionel LeClair. Its also a straight dance trick song ;) 13. I have a fondness for Gourd Dance, War Mother/Round Dance, and Tail Dance. Pow wows just arent the same for me without my Dad, Uncle Jimmy. and Uncle JoJo Lane...love and miss them more than I could ever put in words.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:53:11 +0000

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