1. I would like to start expressing so my husband can do one feed - TopicsExpress


1. I would like to start expressing so my husband can do one feed a day. I was told to express after a feed and in the morning as there would be more milk. My ds is a good eater and there seems to only be about 10-20ml left when he is done! Is there a good storage method I can use to combine these small amounts? Is it even safe to do that? I will be deep freezing the milk. Thanks!! 2. Does anyone in Brisbane know where I can buy MAM products from? Looking for 0+ and 2+ teats. Thanks 3. I have a 3 year old. Had an easy pregnancy with him ( so easy in fact I didnt even know he was there until 32 weeks lol) but I had a horrible labour and after 18 hours it resulted in a c section. Im pregnant again and this baby has put me through the ringer. Everything that could go wrong with pregnancy has happened.. so I keep telling myself its opposites so il have a good labour. Any mummys have this happen? Bad pregnancy but easy labour or easy pregnancy and bad labour? Trying for a vbca so hoping for some reassurance. 4. Just wondering if anyone could tell me their own experience with post natal depression, going back to work with a young baby as well as older kids and your feelings towards your husband/partner? Have they changed, how did you keep your relationship from breaking down due to hectic schedules and stress etc? 5. I am pregnant with baby number 3. Dh and I are concerned about the risks of genetic abnormalities as we lost our last pregnancy early on for in explained reasons. I have been doing a lot of looking online and found there is a new blood test called materniT21. Has anyone had this done? Does anyone know where you can get it done on the Fraser coast- queensland? Roughly how much is the test? How do you go about getting the test done, is it something you ask your dr for? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. 6. Taking my 10 mth old to the gp to talk about allergies as my lo is sensitive to tomatoes so I want to know if he is allergic, I just want to know what to expect and how they test these things? 7. When did you start giving your child scrambled eggs? 8. My Dd (11 weeks) catnaps during the day and has only 3x40min sleeps throughout the day. Thinking of starting the save our sleep routine but looking for some experience with other catnapping babies. Does any routine work?
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 21:20:58 +0000

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