1. I would love to know any other mummies labour success after a - TopicsExpress


1. I would love to know any other mummies labour success after a stretch & sweep & how uncomfortable/ painful it was for them? I am 37 weeks & have been told I have a big baby so my doctor wants to do a s&s next week to see if it will move things along, I dont want to get my hopes up if they generally dont work 2. What does your 7mth olds daily food consist of ? 3. Hey there just wondering if any other mums had a third degree tear with their first baby and went on to have a natural birth the second time around without complications? I tore nearly to the point of 4th degree and doctors have said id be fine to have a natural but Im quite worried. What are other mums experiences? Tia 4. My 6mo DD refuses to sleep without her love to dream swaddle.. until today! She has had 2 naps today without it and without a fuss. Im going to see how she goes without it for a full nights sleep - anyone have any hints or tips? She does have a dummy for sleep times but constantly takes it out to play with. We have a 50/50 swaddle on its way but want to try cold turkey again seeing as shes done so well today. TIA 5. Just wondering if others are finding their los are drinking less in this heat? My 5mo has been struggling to get through half of her afternoon and bedtime bottles in the last week since its been hotter. 6. My 8 week old generally has last feed somewhere between 7 & 9pm, then usually wakes between 12 & 2 for another feed, then 5-630am in morning. Was thinking of introducing a bottle at night, should I make it the evening feed or try to introduce bottle dream feed around 10pm? What are peoples experiences? 7. Can you please post. Hi ladies. Im looking for a fb page that sells pram liners. Thanks 8. My son is turning one next month, my partner is FIFO so he wont be here on the day I was wondering if anyone has and ideas how I can make the day special
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 11:13:53 +0000

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