1) If they play the deceiv­ing game, dis­as­so­ci­at­ing - TopicsExpress


1) If they play the deceiv­ing game, dis­as­so­ci­at­ing them­selves from the past while prof­it­ing from the past it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (2) if they per­sist in mak­ing their own well-known and well doc­u­mented crimes look like no crimes while build­ing pris­ons and impos­ing puni­tive laws on the inher­i­tor...s of the enslave­ment legacy it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (3) If they hyp­o­crit­i­cally feign out­rage that they should be linked to his­tor­i­cal evil-doing, and yet main­tain an air of blind­ness and silence about the fla­grant ongo­ing injus­tice that plagues the vic­tims of inva­sion and slav­ery it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (4) if they demon­strate no remorse for their col­lec­tive his­tor­i­cal evil-doings and make no effort to address the results of their col­lec­tive crimes it means brutish­ness has become nor­mal, and there is no change in THE SOUL. (5) If instead of remorse they viciously abuse those that make men­tion of the crimes, and make the responses to inva­sion and rob­bery seem more rep­re­hen­si­ble than the orig­i­nal crimes of inva­sion and rob­bery it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (6) If they live in denial and try to act as if present world­wide poverty and depen­dency amongst the invaded peo­ple is not a prod­uct of past world­wide inva­sion and rob­bery by the habit­ual invaders, it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (7) if their instinc­tive fear of ret­ri­bu­tion causes them to sup­port the set­ting up of exter­mi­nat­ing con­di­tions such as mass incar­cer­a­tion, mass abor­tion, and eco­nomic stran­gu­la­tion, it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (8) if they build walls around the prop­er­ties that they have stolen, and lock the vic­tims of the rob­bery in the dun­geons of inescapable poverty then it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (9) if they are able to go to church and cel­e­brate and have fun while their hirelings are drop­ping bombs it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (10) if they feel no sense of col­lec­tive guilt and no sense of respon­si­bil­ity and con­cern for the grief that is caused when they bomb other people’s homes, and for the calamity and fam­ily break-down that is caused by their inhu­mane incar­cer­a­tion of other people’s chil­dren, it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (11) if they abuse the immi­grants who flee from the cages of super-exploitation to take refuge in the lands that have grown wealthy from the same exploita­tion, it means there is no change in THE SOUL. (12) if they care not about the grad­ual racial extinc­tion that is bound to hap­pen when the nat­ural providers and care­tak­ers have been locked away in the dun­geons, it means there is no change in THE SOUL (13) if they dis­play arro­gant igno­rance of Karma and scoff at the idea that what they have done unto oth­ers will surely be done unto them then you know that brutish­ness has mul­ti­plied their igno­rance and there is no change in THE SOUL
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 14:10:09 +0000

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