(1)If u are creative enough to discover a problem, you are clever - TopicsExpress


(1)If u are creative enough to discover a problem, you are clever enough to discover a solution. (2)your greatest asset is you. (3)dont allow an opportunity for change to slip away unoticed. (4)your condition is not a final and dont see it as such. (5)dont accept what life offers to you instead, offer to life what you believe is best for it. (6)dont copy,envy or compare yourself with someone who is making impact ahead of you,Do your own thing in your own remarkable way. you may be running in the rear today but dont give up. (7)sometimes those that are running at the rear become the ones that win the race.Dont give up,stay put in your own course till it is over,Jesus even said that the first shall be the last. (8)it is not what happens to us that matters,but what we do with what happens to us. (9)it is not what you hear that changes you but what you do with what you hear. (10)when people have dreams and nurture and develope them,they become successful. (11)what informs determination is attitude,that is every success requires an attitude. (12)the influence of those around us is so powerful,most times you dont even know that you are being strongly affected because influences generally develope over an extended period of time.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 15:30:51 +0000

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